Gamintojų ir Importuotojų Asociacija gaminių atliekų surinkimą ir tvarkymą organizuoja už 2163 unikalių gamintojų ir importuotojų, iš jų:
- Apmokestinamųjų gaminių atliekų tvarkymo organizavimą pavedę 218 gamintojų ir importuotojų;
- Baterijų ir akumuliatorių atliekų tvarkymo organizavimą pavedę 2049 gamintojai ir importuotojai;
- Alyvų atliekų tvarkymo organizavimą pavedę 199 gamintojai ir importuotojai;
- Eksploatuoti netinkamų transporto priemonių tvarkymo organizavimą pavedę 1176 gamintojai ir importuotojai;
Narių sąrašas:
Eil. Nr. | Įmonės kodas | Teisinė forma | Pavadinimas |
1 | 300594634 | UAB | Inter Cars Lietuva |
2 | 306967937 | UAB | Tesla Lithuania |
3 | 111791015 | UAB | Lidl Lietuva |
4 | 10234087 | Toyota Baltic AS | |
5 | 40103176283 | SE | Moller Baltic Import |
6 | 120054177 | UAB | AD Baltic |
7 | 110193723 | UAB | IKI Lietuva |
8 | 121559428 | UAB | Skuba |
9 | 305638604 | UAB | Skuba Lietuva |
10 | 306967937 | UAB | Tesla Lithuania |
11 | 124552531 | UAB | P. MARKEVIČIUS IR KO |
12 | 302645682 | SIA | „Miele” Lietuvos filialas |
13 | 306200651 | UAB | Stelauto |
14 | 121981098 | UAB | Krasta Auto |
15 | 300044423 | UAB | Autovista |
16 | 300805444 | UAB | Inchcape Motors |
17 | 11127264 | Auto 100 AS | |
18 | 301085540 | UAB | Ralasa |
19 | 120682381 | UAB | Gaudrė |
20 | 303247343 | MB | Autoregis |
21 | 282902440 | IĮ | E. Petrovos |
22 | 303347450 | UAB | Irbra |
23 | 111465368 | UAB | Jungent Lietuva |
24 | 141581460 | UAB | Brenntag Lietuva |
25 | 124942944 | UAB | AUTOPSA |
26 | 165702461 | Mocevičiaus firma Ginalas | |
27 | 232115240 | UAB | PMM |
28 | 135844615 | UAB | Litech |
29 | 111748996 | UAB | Veho Lietuva |
30 | 135101889 | UAB | GETZ Lithuania |
31 | 124097457 | UAB | Rovaltra |
32 | 147290255 | UAB | Schmitz Cargobull Baltic |
33 | 145234418 | UAB | Geri ratai |
34 | 145411516 | UAB | Truck master |
35 | 302646649 | UAB | Kentek Lietuva |
36 | 300638080 | UAB | ALWARK |
37 | 211657540 | UAB | EUROPART |
38 | 145409974 | UAB | Jupojos technika |
39 | 303575596 | UAB | Gordon LT |
40 | Ind. v. | Remigijus Raicevas | |
41 | 133321178 | UAB | Lemona |
42 | 123873025 | UAB | SCANIA LIETUVA |
43 | 110900052 | UAB | Mototoja |
44 | 110590949 | UAB | Tokvila |
45 | 302347472 | UAB | BATTEC |
46 | 300569684 | UAB | Ainetra |
47 | 147955281 | IĮ | A. Klovo įmonė |
48 | 135795762 | IĮ | Gerautus |
49 | 120726810 | UAB | AUTODINA |
50 | 111642847 | UAB | Wirtgen Lietuva |
51 | 124482894 | UAB | Technika girioms ir parkams |
52 | 111634747 | UAB | KG Knutsson |
53 | 300502269 | UAB | Mechanica |
54 | 120369276 | UAB | ŠVYTURYS |
55 | 122599087 | UAB | ARVEKA |
56 | 126319814 | UAB | Iksados gamybinis ir techninis centras |
57 | 300662220 | UAB | AUTOIMEX |
58 | 126200938 | UAB | FAKTO AUTOCENTRAS |
59 | 152491199 | UAB | Vasarė |
60 | 140699071 | UAB | BALTIC AUTO |
61 | 302485391 | UAB | ST Baltic |
62 | 148258171 | UAB | DAUVIDĖS PREKYBA |
63 | 134884165 | UAB | KRINONA |
64 | 140581297 | UAB | GITANA |
65 | 300538991 | UAB | SOVLI |
66 | 223399350 | UAB | EGMINDA |
67 | 111459080 | UAB | Swedish transport technics |
68 | 301577794 | UAB | MOTO SPEKTRAS |
69 | 300626060 | UAB | JP MOTORS |
70 | 301163590 | UAB | Litiksa |
71 | 123715317 | UAB | RIMI LIETUVA |
72 | 111561270 | UAB | DeLaval |
73 | 111750538 | UAB | Baltic Agro Machinery |
74 | 161621777 | UAB | MAKVEŽA |
75 | 145613763 | UAB | Transalda |
76 | 303018476 | UAB | Techsistema |
77 | 303232277 | UAB | Auresa |
78 | 111754554 | UAB | Swecon |
79 | 302709067 | UAB | JW Trade |
80 | 123960117 | UAB | EVA KING |
81 | 126340776 | UAB | JAUKI BUITIS |
82 | 303244240 | UAB | Autpro |
83 | 110681861 | UAB | Kitron |
84 | 302482160 | UAB | Francis ir Co |
85 | 211681840 | UAB | ENAX |
86 | 110571062 | UAB | Schindler-Liftas |
87 | 300626092 | UAB | HYDROSCAND |
88 | 126289214 | UAB | Izovoltas |
89 | 300586281 | UAB | Mila |
90 | 125819414 | UAB | Detauta |
91 | 302940519 | UAB | AUTOPLIKIS |
92 | 302941934 | UAB | Priedas |
93 | 302439045 | UAB | Autodis |
94 | 302854461 | UAB | DEPO DIY LT |
95 | 300077761 | UAB | Baltic Refrigeration Group |
96 | 302692194 | UAB | JUSTONA |
97 | 301321617 | UAB | BARKASAS |
98 | 161111219 | AB | Nordic Sugar Kėdainiai |
99 | 302642526 | UAB | Moto Marine |
100 | 300070820 | UAB | Skinest Baltija |
101 | 125544181 | UAB | JMA centras |
102 | 111489643 | UAB | AUTOTOJA |
103 | 240518180 | UAB | Solorina |
104 | 132040527 | UAB | Genys |
105 | 124942182 | UAB | TRADINTEK |
106 | 303178897 | UAB | GESPA |
107 | 154107957 | UAB | IMENZA |
108 | 122598028 | UAB | Dayton |
109 | 283834070 | UAB | Samsonas motorsport |
110 | 134668826 | UAB | ETAMA |
111 | 301851761 | UAB | Analytical Solutions |
112 | 304883209 | MB | Tribolina |
113 | 225402140 | UAB | STARTEKSA |
114 | 304920216 | UAB | Esteris |
115 | 302743799 | UAB | |
116 | 140346114 | LKAB | Klaipėdos smeltė |
117 | 132641289 | UAB | Elinta |
118 | 304185745 | UAB | Edelmax |
119 | 302470699 | UAB | Bikeparts LT |
120 | 210527070 | UAB | Reborda |
121 | 303686899 | UAB | Kesko Senukai Digital |
122 | 300517602 | UAB | FL Technics |
123 | 304274813 | Addinol Lube Oil OU Lietuvos filialas | |
124 | 234981170 | UAB | ELREMTA MASTERMANN |
125 | 303631867 | UAB | Aintra |
126 | 302420625 | UAB | FROSTEC |
127 | 300120351 | UAB | Alfis |
128 | 133858826 | UAB | Vytrita |
129 | 123447787 | UAB | Kone |
130 | 304837770 | UAB | Juparas |
131 | 305431484 | UAB | Autodinos servisas LT |
132 | 303290661 | UAB | Motostopas |
133 | 304694475 | UAB | Megapartas |
134 | 303410025 | UAB | Minauta |
135 | 304553898 | UAB | Autonibela |
136 | 305226604 | UAB | Aztec oils baltic |
137 | 304459491 | UAB | SS PARTS |
138 | 134752765 | IĮ | Autura |
139 | 121543961 | UAB | Keluva |
140 | 135084888 | UAB | Krebas |
141 | 240067560 | UAB | CREDO |
142 | 301817563 | UAB | AUTOBAGI |
143 | 302570315 | UAB | Motorbike |
144 | 110438350 | UAB | Telekomservisas |
145 | 157005726 | UAB | Rivauta |
146 | 300048044 | UAB | Mototecha |
147 | 302945217 | UAB | AUTIGA |
148 | 300866792 | UAB | Pigu |
149 | 133729589 | AB | Kauno tiltai |
150 | 132195787 | UAB | KVARCAS |
151 | 302784155 | UAB | Marine Service Lithuania |
152 | 303141863 | UAB | Padangų parkas |
153 | 300007873 | UAB | Stronga |
154 | 300059005 | UAB | Viršupio autodalys |
155 | 301057555 | UAB | Protecha |
156 | 302539907 | UAB | Autex Lietuva |
157 | 124382431 | UAB | Šviesos spektras |
158 | 245643750 | UAB | Lotostra |
159 | 232126450 | UAB | Jotvainis |
160 | 169185424 | UAB | Pasvalio agrodileris |
161 | 254785460 | UAB | Biržų žemtiekimas |
162 | 148398586 | UAB | Autecha |
163 | 141628814 | UAB | Klaipėdos autocentras |
164 | 132354296 | UAB | Esta |
165 | 303000738 | MB | Traks |
166 | 179433366 | UAB | Vidlinas |
167 | 302734711 | UAB | SAIRA |
168 | 134472585 | UAB | SUNKDETA |
169 | 186012524 | UAB | Fraktas |
170 | 145248161 | UAB | AutoRC |
171 | 303825352 | UAB | Autofortas Motors |
172 | 300623947 | UAB | DP servisas |
173 | 167236090 | UAB | Automagnatas |
174 | 303176832 | UAB | Sigvida |
175 | 300050084 | UAB | Agroservisas LT |
176 | 304037814 | MB | Donvalda |
177 | 302306881 | UAB | Audapa |
178 | 302854408 | UAB | Best Car LT |
179 | 302700538 | UAB | Sanema |
180 | 303407082 | UAB | Alibaba automobiliai |
181 | 135822348 | UAB | Aurelinas |
182 | 300130420 | UAB | Greda |
183 | 303214375 | UAB | Baltijos padangos tau |
184 | 302600185 | UAB | Daviva |
185 | 302524047 | AS Baltem Vilniaus filialas | |
186 | 302499619 | UAB | Grifinas |
187 | 134928932 | UAB | Autosabina Motors |
188 | 148395519 | UAB | MONVIKA |
189 | 304781389 | UAB | Rimartas |
190 | Ind. v. | Irmina Stasiukaitienė | |
191 | 302576147 | UAB | Baltic Industrial |
192 | 301583555 | UAB | Auteksta |
193 | J35/1428/2004 | SC | Delticom OE |
194 | Ind. v. | Vasilijus Ševekovas | |
195 | 302836488 | UAB | Vagoneta |
196 | 168953764 | UAB | Skandeka |
197 | 149720385 | UAB | Autovarža |
198 | 304752850 | UAB | HT Trucks and Parts |
199 | 134235928 | Juozo Rupelio firma Varčena | |
200 | 302431550 | UAB | Skagenas |
201 | 123504544 | UAB | Povita |
202 | 302681269 | UAB | Du AG |
203 | 300078728 | UAB | Lurenga |
204 | 145213623 | UAB | TVC Solutions |
205 | 303290622 | UAB | Dekida |
206 | 223695730 | IĮ | A. NOVOSIOLOVO |
207 | 121671911 | UAB | RIČYTA |
208 | 110688998 | UAB | BITĖ LIETUVA |
209 | 300616333 | UAB | AUTOVADAS |
210 | 134857136 | UAB | DEZINFA |
211 | 300660956 | UAB | DIA TRADE |
212 | 302249619 | UAB | DELTACAR |
213 | 123271990 | UAB | Laratas |
214 | 300150704 | UAB | Rommar |
215 | 134597215 | UAB | Ateities servisas |
216 | 111623156 | UAB | BRC |
217 | 123646967 | UAB | Rakerta |
218 | 302527673 | UAB | Mobire Lietuva |
219 | 179343545 | IĮ | Algimanto Gavėnios komercinė firma |
220 | 140544498 | UAB | Klasera |
221 | 300544962 | UAB | L transport |
222 | 300072159 | UAB | Tomsuva |
223 | 141392965 | UAB | Armi servisas |
224 | 300044537 | UAB | Savirida |
225 | 179435940 | UAB | GBY |
226 | 302309895 | UAB | Daimonda |
227 | 152497647 | UAB | WESTAUTO |
228 | 141401147 | IĮ | Automeksas, Ž. Sorakos firma |
229 | 179876187 | IĮ | Autotina |
230 | 279453430 | UAB | Džiroma |
231 | 302294678 | UAB | Via Balt |
232 | 300710462 | IĮ | VIDS |
233 | 157033476 | UAB | Ramidonas |
234 | 125968269 | UAB | GG prekyba |
235 | 179484670 | IĮ | VAILITA |
236 | 148357760 | UAB | Panšrotas ir Ko |
237 | 173181022 | IĮ | V. Varno |
238 | Ind. v. | Tomas Domkus | |
239 | 300538361 | UAB | Bileksport |
240 | 110607882 | UAB | LAUTRA MOTORS |
241 | 300882857 | UAB | Vijorita |
242 | 300709677 | UAB | MOBILETRADE |
243 | 179877474 | IĮ | Floridė ir ko |
244 | 158753345 | IĮ | ZTS |
245 | 301928617 | UAB | Muna |
246 | 300519507 | UAB | Edarva |
247 | 300134785 | UAB | Almatina |
248 | 279435560 | UAB | Autrota |
249 | 302812512 | UAB | MMG Auctions International |
250 | 302441594 | UAB | VIVA RENT |
251 | 300645609 | UAB | TRANSEDDA |
252 | 300626516 | UAB | AUTOJUDA |
253 | 301693838 | UAB | VYTA |
254 | Ind. v. | Dinas Baltrėnas | |
255 | 300551565 | UAB | REIVA |
256 | 149773174 | Beatitas, Rimanto Alksninio firma | |
257 | 300123290 | UAB | Autoginta |
258 | 300131593 | UAB | JOLIVERA |
259 | 302430014 | UAB | Autremas |
260 | 300034532 | UAB | Luvesa |
261 | 110302891 | UAB | LITMELETA |
262 | 300821765 | UAB | Aukleta |
263 | 302803901 | UAB | MT MOTORS |
264 | 300587999 | UAB | AUTORE |
265 | 302973394 | UAB | Autopartas |
266 | 301149822 | UAB | Tadita |
267 | 300603446 | UAB | Minvisa |
268 | 300650428 | UAB | WAPSA |
269 | 300544414 | UAB | Kestida |
270 | 300574208 | UAB | VIGMENA |
271 | 168661653 | UAB | Autovera |
272 | 300631424 | UAB | LORNEDA |
273 | 300043467 | UAB | Autorostada |
274 | 302999581 | UAB | Autoramus |
275 | 302553344 | UAB | BALTIC MOTOR TRADE |
276 | 301733204 | UAB | DAINER |
277 | 179412048 | UAB | AUREGIDA |
278 | 111704875 | UAB | Euronda |
279 | 300088245 | UAB | AUTOGATA |
280 | 180256895 | IĮ G.Jankausko firma | |
281 | 300858009 | UAB | Viraista |
282 | 302341551 | UAB | Autma |
283 | 302540336 | UAB | Unis |
284 | 302997623 | UAB | Autoskautas |
285 | 148218796 | UAB | AUTOMETAS |
286 | 270753750 | UAB | Matula |
287 | 145828552 | IĮ | Giedriaus Dailidonio įmonė |
288 | 302919838 | UAB | StarAuto |
289 | 302343328 | UAB | Serida |
290 | 149981022 | UAB | ALRODIS |
291 | 302555893 | UAB | Auringatrans |
292 | 176631161 | UAB | RAELAS |
293 | 245375010 | UAB | KAIRIO TRANSPORTAS |
294 | 302464340 | UAB | FEHULINE |
295 | 300081069 | UAB | Autoimpeksa |
296 | 162947530 | G. Naviko įmonė | |
297 | 303081302 | UAB | AUTO PIJUS |
298 | 302963350 | UAB | AUTODIGMA |
299 | 282891150 | IĮ | S. VILKELIO |
300 | 180716030 | A. Ruvelio firma | |
301 | 302958047 | MB | Autolotas |
302 | 302591213 | UAB | JUSAS |
303 | 179747363 | UAB | Norketas |
304 | 126386371 | UAB | VAPC |
305 | 151290599 | UAB | Kubiliaus transportas |
306 | 162540036 | IĮ | Algimanto Narbuto įmonė |
307 | 301513628 | UAB | Linkela |
308 | 134295868 | UAB | EMAX |
309 | 300593952 | UAB | VILRAGĖ |
310 | 302770675 | UAB | NeroAuto |
311 | 300535493 | IĮ | AUTOTEGA |
312 | 303038137 | MB | Augsmė |
313 | 303113440 | UAB | Rivaldas |
314 | 301961535 | UAB | Arjuda |
315 | 303246864 | UAB | Autotaura |
316 | 148146083 | UAB | Vairotas |
317 | 300016057 | UAB | Gelgotos transportas |
318 | 302312208 | UAB | HUROAUTO |
319 | 145785072 | UAB | Armadonas |
320 | 170722323 | UAB | Valdima |
321 | 303216401 | UAB | Tademas |
322 | 302417771 | UAB | Svelija |
323 | 168087297 | UAB | Roldana |
324 | 303228510 | UAB | Bairus |
325 | 170760758 | UAB | Milavita |
326 | 148425738 | UAB | Aradnis |
327 | 302899111 | UAB | MVauto |
328 | 168502277 | IĮ | V. Blyno komercinė įmonė |
329 | 300638618 | UAB | Kauta |
330 | 303147510 | UAB | Vesema |
331 | 168471718 | UAB | Autoula |
332 | 303055535 | UAB | MJ – auto |
333 | Ind. v. | Sigitas Karalius | |
334 | Ind. v. | Kęstutis Rudokas | |
335 | 300021588 | UAB | Autika |
336 | 302547754 | UAB | RM-AUTO |
337 | 302997541 | MB | Ratuotas |
338 | 172786050 | UAB | AVAK |
339 | 302940896 | IĮ | Jotiga |
340 | 134440395 | UAB | Laima ir Ko |
341 | 302603014 | UAB | Ranesta |
342 | 148040272 | UAB | Automera |
343 | 300044291 | UAB | Pabaltijo automobilių prekyba |
344 | 303285269 | UAB | Autourbana |
345 | 300082819 | UAB | Laisota |
346 | 301533221 | UAB | Autosma |
347 | 168969754 | IĮ | Gintauto Butkaus |
348 | 302898625 | UAB | Romauto |
349 | 300053194 | UAB | Norginta |
350 | 152590254 | UAB | Autodova |
351 | 302786850 | UAB | Petkus Auto |
352 | 121289694 | UAB | Fima |
353 | 180347284 | G. SANKAUSKO FIRMA | |
354 | 302712355 | UAB | Auto Group |
355 | 141272439 | UAB | Kniupsius |
356 | 179427993 | V. Pajarsko komercinė firma | |
357 | 300131579 | UAB | DAMADA |
358 | 151130687 | UAB | Gintaras |
359 | 179465218 | UAB | Amerija |
360 | 303328489 | UAB | Erneta |
361 | 165631765 | V. Alesiaus įmonė „Motus” | |
362 | Ind. v. | Petras Lukoševičius | |
363 | 151170443 | UAB | TD transport |
364 | 126230739 | UAB | Autobanga |
365 | Ind. v. | Saulius Simėnas | |
366 | 179449922 | UAB | Aladora |
367 | 302970028 | UAB | TRAVELIS |
368 | 302643902 | UAB | VYGIE |
369 | Ind. v. | Tadas Petraitis | |
370 | 302251303 | UAB | STORENT |
371 | 156609271 | UAB | Senoji pilis |
372 | 302342710 | UAB | Pakarkla |
373 | 148243098 | UAB | DETORA |
374 | 134664386 | I. Štrimaitienės firma „Automanevras” | |
375 | 300105762 | UAB | Miškoda |
376 | 300611304 | UAB | Autoverta |
377 | 134647084 | UAB | PREX |
378 | 145657012 | UAB | Delkada |
379 | 145258650 | UAB | LUTORA |
380 | 302430174 | UAB | Transadria |
381 | 302653743 | UAB | S.A.J. INVESTICIJOS |
382 | 145283148 | Artūro Markevičiaus įmonė | |
383 | 144409124 | UAB | Euromobilis |
384 | 166899321 | IĮ | Ardokma |
385 | 303142901 | MB | Pjara |
386 | 302300437 | UAB | Dantransa |
387 | 303130856 | UAB | Salvum |
388 | 300653456 | IĮ | Juranda |
389 | 302660691 | UAB | DDVL |
390 | 303389887 | UAB | Transvista |
391 | Ind. v. | Renatas Enikas | |
392 | 171042287 | UAB | Milašaičių autoverslas |
393 | 126410228 | UAB | Edilendas |
394 | 303031089 | UAB | GABIS |
395 | 177330937 | UAB | Neringos kelias |
396 | 300510561 | MB | Kevita |
397 | 301829640 | UAB | LJ logistika |
398 | 303379576 | UAB | Deteka |
399 | 154299678 | Dainoro Vasiliausko įmonė | |
400 | 302832828 | UAB | RENIS |
401 | 135589431 | UAB | Autodahena |
402 | 179332488 | UAB | LAS Transport |
403 | Ind. v. | Arvydas Vasylius | |
404 | Ind. v. | Saulius Strockis | |
405 | 302562628 | UAB | D&R company |
406 | 187894466 | UAB | VK AUTO |
407 | Ind. v. | Agnius Bulskis | |
408 | 141673147 | UAB | Autoblikas |
409 | 247974820 | UAB | Raginta LT |
410 | Ind. v. | Renas Rutkauskas | |
411 | Ind. v. | Vaidotas Petkus | |
412 | 300038737 | UAB | Vėsa plius |
413 | 300028547 | UAB | KITAVERTUS |
414 | 300536862 | UAB | EGILONA |
415 | Ind. v. | Anatolijus Solovjovas | |
416 | 302762340 | UAB | KAUNAS AUTO |
417 | 301638642 | UAB | Gelsvita |
418 | 300155295 | UAB | MOTORSA |
419 | 142106566 | UAB | Autoriko |
420 | 161234474 | UAB | Raguilė |
421 | Ind. v. | Antanas Staškevičius | |
422 | Ind. v. | Gediminas Kaminskas | |
423 | 300653812 | UAB | Kalibris |
424 | 300648815 | UAB | Kemperių pasaulis |
425 | 302593171 | UAB | Trijo |
426 | 303318388 | UAB | Mikrobusas |
427 | 303550461 | UAB | Irminas |
428 | 303310320 | UAB | Lemasa |
429 | 302729924 | UAB | SANDRALITA |
430 | 302478009 | UAB | Buha |
431 | 135997333 | UAB | Laisva zona |
432 | 303211475 | UAB | Baltama |
433 | 303219251 | UAB | Autotransus |
434 | 303062234 | MB | Minalva |
435 | 302298000 | UAB | Armatransas |
436 | 300520826 | UAB | Karkasonas |
437 | 170740531 | UAB | Feidė |
438 | 172354069 | J. Riabovo individuali įmonė | |
439 | 300004051 | UAB | CRV |
440 | 168633675 | ŽUKB | KOPSTA |
441 | 300821651 | UAB | Norgita |
442 | 304044919 | UAB | Autoseilas |
443 | 135447542 | UAB | Maksivis |
444 | 302554446 | UAB | Saunalina |
445 | 303188140 | UAB | Autokastus |
446 | 301538574 | UAB | ELTIMO |
447 | 179403412 | UAB | Tarailiai |
448 | 303554470 | UAB | Eurolinas |
449 | 301532322 | UAB | ALDARAS |
450 | 185303936 | UAB | TRANSKEDE |
451 | 110803429 | UAB | VULON |
452 | 300597922 | UAB | Ramuda |
453 | 140514925 | UAB | Valiulio prekybos įmonė |
454 | 248386460 | UAB | Kelionių vynas |
455 | 300610490 | UAB | Mikauta |
456 | 251024090 | UAB | Daisa |
457 | 302586134 | UAB | Kietaviškių autocentras |
458 | 300078735 | UAB | Kesada |
459 | 303242467 | UAB | Kokybiški auto |
460 | 179858698 | UAB | V.Jokūbausko įmonė |
461 | 182943831 | UAB | ALJUVA |
462 | 302941197 | UAB | Saulės energetikas |
463 | 145402314 | UAB | Daitra (Vaclovo Jablonskio įmonė) |
464 | 303198049 | UAB | Autojas |
465 | 302344558 | UAB | Dream Auto |
466 | 302752271 | UAB | BT Service |
467 | 302296120 | UAB | Olego transportas |
468 | 303407958 | UAB | Autogildija |
469 | 302690624 | UAB | EDT BALTIC |
470 | 303295014 | UAB | Automotorai |
471 | 302693093 | UAB | IRON MVB |
472 | 171694581 | UAB | Vensva |
473 | 303049945 | UAB | Automotogb |
474 | 303165992 | UAB | Proelementas |
475 | 135845521 | A. Gavėno įmonė | |
476 | 303382526 | UAB | Autobetas |
477 | 151133982 | UAB | Sūduvos arka |
478 | Ind. v. | Alvydas Žigelis | |
479 | 304091915 | UAB | Donginta |
480 | 179886676 | UAB | IKSFERA |
481 | 135742973 | UAB | Baltijos automobilių diagnostikos sistemos |
482 | 303557370 | UAB | Autopersonos |
483 | Ind. v. | Egidijus Vaitoška | |
484 | 302694341 | UAB | M&K company |
485 | 304078145 | UAB | Hydrus LT |
486 | Ind. v. | Aurimas Latvėnas | |
487 | 302526831 | UAB | Maksimalus verslas |
488 | 132593613 | Gintauto Masiulio firma | |
489 | 124281934 | UAB | VYTUKAI |
490 | 303121106 | UAB | Valdalė |
491 | 145656259 | IĮ | Alvydo Poškaus įmonė |
492 | 303133329 | UAB | Baltas aljansas |
493 | 168930438 | UAB | VILMUS |
494 | 302713642 | UAB | Autodarta |
495 | 158232449 | UAB | Edvaidas |
496 | 302751130 | UAB | GK garantas |
497 | 151391477 | UAB | Autorok |
498 | 122756720 | UAB | Rimideta |
499 | 303722352 | UAB | Optimas |
500 | 302616912 | UAB | D5trans |
501 | 302251716 | UAB | Deko Group |
502 | 302883477 | UAB | Opus LT |
503 | 123555859 | UAB | R. Lažinsko firma „Autolaris” |
504 | 304157219 | UAB | Transolas |
505 | 303441939 | UAB | Visaida |
506 | 302714242 | UAB | Ramexa |
507 | Ind. v. | Deividas Pieškus | |
508 | 302686825 | UAB | Faitas |
509 | 135996950 | UAB | Aigizita |
510 | 302856626 | UAB | Greifas |
511 | 302249081 | UAB | Autolygis |
512 | 223785170 | UAB | Fobeka |
513 | 300035723 | UAB | Carlit |
514 | 135832118 | UAB | RAJESAS (atnaujinta) |
515 | Ind. v. | Arvydas Rimša | |
516 | 302303102 | UAB | Milra |
517 | 304139662 | UAB | Autolabas |
518 | 303218480 | UAB | Tikri ratai |
519 | 304169246 | MB | Sadauta |
520 | Ind. v. | Artūras Gedgaudas | |
521 | 302717249 | UAB | Edgazas |
522 | 300128120 | UAB | Kesveda |
523 | 165834395 | UAB | T&S Mobile |
524 | Ind. v. | Marius Jasiūnas | |
525 | 303791850 | UAB | Autozeba |
526 | 302717217 | UAB | Vilreta |
527 | Ind. v. | Bronislavas Žadeika | |
528 | Ind. v. | Audrius Subačius | |
529 | 145000995 | UAB | Sangis |
530 | 300509096 | UAB | Autoarka |
531 | 302468940 | UAB | Autokonsulta |
532 | 300143866 | UAB | Diksa |
533 | 171438233 | Viginto Mickaus įmonė | |
534 | 302934530 | UAB | Autobega |
535 | 303149917 | UAB | Transvilka |
536 | 301262535 | UAB | Ravilis |
537 | 302560068 | UAB | Darvi |
538 | Ind. v. | Justinas Bružas | |
539 | 303374892 | UAB | Autolaviva |
540 | 302535780 | UAB | Autodera |
541 | 122277218 | UAB | Gina ir KO |
542 | 303206617 | UAB | Arikas |
543 | 300571906 | UAB | Autmecha |
544 | 300125416 | UAB | VYGRATAS |
545 | 301080550 | UAB | Autiva |
546 | 180166540 | UAB | V. Jonušo firma |
547 | 300106202 | UAB | Transeva |
548 | 302337453 | UAB | TDS GROUP |
549 | 300048877 | UAB | Autoarmada |
550 | 302565930 | UAB | Larai |
551 | 145576699 | Jolitos Butkienės įmonė | |
552 | 151470273 | UAB | Dviguba ašis |
553 | 304172356 | UAB | Kapsas |
554 | 303551862 | MB | Autokaspera |
555 | 302629475 | SIA | „UniCredit Leasing” Lietuvos filialas |
556 | 304119688 | UAB | Ustukas |
557 | 303039196 | UAB | LAIMTADA |
558 | 304075576 | UAB | Svidara |
559 | 304002852 | UAB | Soverta |
560 | 141939516 | UAB | SAULĖTRA |
561 | 177304629 | UAB | DEREMIKA |
562 | 123433271 | UAB | Merata |
563 | 300589377 | UAB | GRT |
564 | 133772327 | UAB | Rataras |
565 | 302323336 | UAB | Bikėja |
566 | 303073768 | UAB | Tralsoma |
567 | 301075674 | UAB | IMPERAUTO |
568 | 304260322 | UAB | GRESUS |
569 | 304227151 | UAB | AUTOGRESUS |
570 | 145202032 | UAB | IDLIJA |
571 | 304217627 | UAB | Calcar |
572 | 151439018 | UAB | SAUTARMA |
573 | 303375001 | UAB | Pasaulio centras |
574 | 303248395 | UAB | Transgreitis |
575 | 304263037 | MB | Aukšta pavara |
576 | 304250883 | MB | Krikštatėvis |
577 | 304251070 | MB | Autoaikštelė |
578 | 302461255 | UAB | CWC LT |
579 | 301510589 | UAB | Kitoma |
580 | 186479588 | UAB | Osteriga |
581 | Ind. v. | Artūras Sudeikis | |
582 | 302941044 | UAB | Aner-auto |
583 | 303080378 | UAB | Protingesnis LT |
584 | 300009696 | UAB | Altmeda |
585 | 145599872 | UAB | Autofėja |
586 | 235241760 | UAB | AMT 1 |
587 | 132141896 | UAB | ARV-Auto |
588 | 182911118 | UAB | Artūro transportas |
589 | 135649266 | Vytauto Guobio įmonė | |
590 | 304088029 | UAB | NERODEMA |
591 | 304200542 | UAB | Adauta |
592 | 134987432 | UAB | VYTOAUTO |
593 | Ind. v. | Arvydas Mikulskis | |
594 | 158266266 | IĮ | S. Radomskio |
595 | 302862127 | UAB | Ignata |
596 | 110696945 | UAB | GIEDNA |
597 | 302737401 | UAB | KASDEINA |
598 | 126208970 | UAB | AUTOSITUS |
599 | 301676632 | UAB | Autotaja |
600 | 304091107 | UAB | PREMIUM AUTO |
601 | 300025063 | UAB | Autoforsas |
602 | Ind. v. | Mantas Jukna | |
603 | Ind. v. | Rolandas Jokubaitis | |
604 | Ind. v. | Dainius Grigaliūnas | |
605 | Ind. v. | Gediminas Nekrašas | |
606 | 303204826 | UAB | Armobilis |
607 | 303379829 | UAB | Dulkara |
608 | 251126070 | UAB | AUTOFOMA |
609 | 135458186 | UAB | ITOKA |
610 | 301645583 | UAB | SVEDELITA |
611 | 303503433 | UAB | Girlatesta |
612 | 302854372 | UAB | AutoES |
613 | Ind. v. | Antanas Balevičius | |
614 | 304271984 | UAB | Advaima |
615 | 300095485 | UAB | Adaista |
616 | 302963884 | UAB | HuroTrans |
617 | Ind. v. | Justinas Cedronas | |
618 | 135698181 | UAB | Juvetransa |
619 | 302899467 | MB | Forevo |
620 | 135760996 | UAB | ARNASTA |
621 | Ind. v. | Virginijus Dukavičius | |
622 | 304232928 | UAB | Autosaga |
623 | 300589295 | UAB | ARKAUSTA |
624 | 300712335 | UAB | Liumanta |
625 | 302892120 | UAB | K&D auto |
626 | 304297299 | UAB | Gito automobiliai |
627 | 302888378 | UAB | Luminaris |
628 | Ind. v. | ZIGMAS PETRAUSKAS | |
629 | 249649850 | UAB | Sabara |
630 | 151468589 | UAB | FINGINAS |
631 | 300069533 | UAB | Jurturas |
632 | 125383098 | UAB | Autolėva |
633 | 152104019 | UAB | Transeta |
634 | 300851897 | UAB | AMŽINOS VERTYBĖS |
635 | 304398661 | UAB | ONTĖ |
636 | 304411201 | MB | Domanto automobiliai |
637 | 304416458 | UAB | Virgis ir grupė |
638 | 151334113 | UAB | Mazroma |
639 | 304224842 | UAB | Autodeima |
640 | 303167203 | MB | Jupas |
641 | 304409346 | UAB | LEITANA |
642 | 304416547 | UAB | Tau automobilis |
643 | 300047362 | UAB | Zigmaratas |
644 | 304185784 | UAB | Autopodiumas |
645 | 304224479 | UAB | Totalus |
646 | 150090229 | UAB | Autoglass.LT |
647 | 304432170 | UAB | Autoneva |
648 | Ind. v. | Sigitas Pilka | |
649 | 304330450 | UAB | AUTOJASA |
650 | 135007799 | UAB | Autokausta |
651 | 303277475 | UAB | Autokarlas |
652 | 302503583 | UAB | EGO MOTOR |
653 | 302713350 | UAB | DEVAUTO |
654 | 125501358 | UAB | Inveto |
655 | Ind. v. | Valdo Lingio individuali veikla | |
656 | 304488589 | UAB | Autlita |
657 | 300086625 | UAB | AUTOVAINERA |
658 | 303125923 | Elenos Balčiūnienės IĮ | |
659 | 304517806 | UAB | PRAUTOS |
660 | 300026838 | UAB | Modela |
661 | 304422870 | UAB | Dominda |
662 | 302527794 | UAB | ADA detalės |
663 | Ind. v. | Broniaus Kirkilo individuali veikla | |
664 | 300532180 | UAB | Technilita |
665 | 300063950 | UAB | Transmasa |
666 | 302554072 | UAB | Autodetalės |
667 | 151300068 | UAB | Sauvila |
668 | 151443625 | UAB | Arvydo Miliausko transportas |
669 | 303102369 | UAB | Eminas |
670 | 302800766 | UAB | Egvista |
671 | 303223495 | UAB | Domito |
672 | 285300250 | UAB | KRADIS |
673 | Ind. v. | Rimantas Jokubauskas | |
674 | 304678859 | UAB | Osmartas |
675 | Ind. v. | Paulius Šniukas | |
676 | 300142216 | UAB | Auberta |
677 | 304491585 | UAB | Autovizitas |
678 | Ind. v. | Gediminas Velžys | |
679 | Ind. v. | Vladislovas Makarevičius | |
680 | 155479483 | D. Kindurio įmonė | |
681 | 265770730 | UAB | Odivė |
682 | 304718385 | UAB | Euroautus |
683 | 303482900 | UAB | Forum LT |
684 | 300895534 | UAB | Sigrieda |
685 | Ind. v. | Robertas Miknevičius | |
686 | 125691822 | UAB | Autopark |
687 | Ind. v. | Lino Eidukaičio individuali veikla | |
688 | 151255840 | R. Kuklio prekybos įmonė | |
689 | 304294246 | UAB | Telšių sparta |
690 | 304726019 | UAB | APAUTA |
691 | 301550651 | UAB | JMA PANEVĖŽYS |
692 | 136034991 | UAB | BALTIEVA |
693 | 303444999 | UAB | Transandreja |
694 | 147498384 | IĮ | LEKSEMA |
695 | 304505469 | UAB | GK Transport |
696 | 304480852 | UAB | Autorivas |
697 | 302580505 | UAB | Detransa |
698 | 166061318 | UAB | Salvikdus |
699 | 302629621 | UAB | Autodinama |
700 | 304058826 | MB | Romexa |
701 | 304716690 | MB | Vido ratai |
702 | 304427084 | UAB | Auridas |
703 | 304495046 | UAB | IVASA |
704 | 304709450 | UAB | AUTOVAIDAS |
705 | 300529355 | UAB | MEGAAUTO |
706 | 265805010 | Sauliaus Vikerto komercinė įmonė | |
707 | 300037215 | UAB | RODŽERSIJA |
708 | 147110650 | K. Juchnevičiaus įmonė „Rūtų šakelė” | |
709 | 304408803 | UAB | Autobrizas |
710 | 304523905 | UAB | Marilis LT |
711 | 133721731 | UAB | Sparkis |
712 | 302468004 | UAB | Galimard Baltija |
713 | 304640876 | UAB | AMISA |
714 | Ind. v. | Marius Korkozevičius | |
715 | Ind. v. | Edita Brūverė | |
716 | 300552681 | UAB | Treidas |
717 | 302957881 | UAB | Europa b |
718 | 304506343 | UAB | Autkesta |
719 | 304105927 | UAB | Edvida |
720 | Ind. v. | Arūno Norkevičiaus indv. veikla | |
721 | 304479113 | UAB | Almantus |
722 | 304843385 | IĮ | Regautas |
723 | Ind. v. | Kęstutis Vilčiauskas | |
724 | 303042580 | UAB | Auvix |
725 | 304552910 | UAB | AUTOLONGA |
726 | 304887474 | UAB | Transenika |
727 | 304917608 | MB | Herlanda |
728 | 304509948 | UAB | AUTOVIJA |
729 | 304619476 | UAB | AUDMILA |
730 | 301133914 | UAB | Auneta |
731 | 125868525 | UAB | Prekybos projektų grupė |
732 | 304056896 | UAB | Ladeira |
733 | 302664743 | UAB | Linarda |
734 | 302484720 | UAB | RESTIS |
735 | 304881119 | UAB | Dano automobiliai |
736 | 300585603 | UAB | GV Auto |
737 | 304931383 | UAB | AUTOTIKA |
738 | Ind. v. | Giedrius Pitrėnas | |
739 | 179489799 | IĮ | A. Pauliko |
740 | 302867206 | UAB | JMS transport |
741 | 304255389 | UAB | Kunista |
742 | 302431034 | UAB | RAMIRENT Baltic AS Vilniaus filialas |
743 | Ind. v. | Marius Puščius | |
744 | Ind. v. | Remigijus Žalimas | |
745 | 304887766 | UAB | Ekstra grupė |
746 | 304066036 | UAB | VETRIS |
747 | 304971278 | UAB | Aldakus |
748 | 304933509 | UAB | Autonorma |
749 | 302443047 | UAB | Biochemlit |
750 | 303321676 | UAB | Algirdokas |
751 | 304685939 | UAB | Ravitransa |
752 | 304962756 | MB | Autotagas |
753 | 304368038 | UAB | CarPLATZ |
754 | IĮ | Simas Šerkšnys | |
755 | 182772597 | UAB | Omita |
756 | 304147851 | UAB | Retrotransa |
757 | 179478774 | UAB | Daitrada |
758 | 304919744 | UAB | Diskas |
759 | Ind. v. | Saulius Šiupienius | |
760 | 300136373 | UAB | Rūdelė |
761 | 151457183 | IĮ | Vegatransa |
762 | 304987058 | MB | Digrega |
763 | 304928259 | UAB | Atmas |
764 | 300851737 | UAB | D&S transportas |
765 | 650538 | Ind. v. | Ričardo Jurkėno |
766 | Ind. v. | Rolandas Lapienė | |
767 | 151311278 | UAB | Arberta |
768 | 304759916 | MB | Autarta |
769 | 304586414 | UAB | Jusema |
770 | 305084012 | UAB | Dynamic motors |
771 | 303127714 | UAB | Eurovanas |
772 | Ind. v. | Tomas Kumpis | |
773 | 304506382 | UAB | Autoimis |
774 | 874533 | Ind. v. | Nerijus Gubysta |
775 | 303249102 | IĮ. | Autoprioritetas |
776 | 156563639 | UAB | Jonavos Agrotiekimas |
777 | Ind. v. | Deividas Drungilas | |
778 | 302810365 | UAB | Dream Vita |
779 | Ind. v. | Rolandas Pumputis | |
780 | 305115536 | UAB | Aumona |
781 | 504787565 | Withings SAS | |
782 | Ind. v. | Andrejus Baliuckas | |
783 | 305048564 | UAB | Mpauta |
784 | 173242710 | UAB | PAURODA |
785 | 147295220 | UAB | Liepsnuva |
786 | 305052317 | MB | Samginta |
787 | 304458521 | UAB | Julauta |
788 | Ind. v. | Vilmantas Gaška | |
789 | 305102777 | MB | Autouna |
790 | 300562031 | UAB | Alroba |
791 | Ind. v. | Stanislovas Sidorenko | |
792 | 151359839 | UAB | Valmantas ir Ko |
793 | Ind. v. | Tomas Uogintas | |
794 | Ind. v. | Artūras Chotiašovas | |
795 | 300976573 | UAB | Osvis |
796 | 304521459 | UAB | HE Auto |
797 | 302753455 | UAB | Svelida |
798 | 284506240 | UAB | Transgeta |
799 | 303358429 | UAB | SnioCars |
800 | 305222253 | MB | Orolita |
801 | 305196100 | UAB | Autoamas |
802 | 304498277 | UAB | Autosada |
803 | Ind. v. | Irmantas Adomavičius | |
804 | 305041961 | UAB | Dileira |
805 | 305172964 | UAB | Viragė |
806 | 304421786 | UAB | Zaula |
807 | 304403304 | UAB | Mangida |
808 | 305161829 | MB | Faugusta |
809 | 300513301 | UAB | Benalba |
810 | 300155288 | UAB | Autis |
811 | 302612928 | UAB | Mobilsta |
812 | 304163827 | UAB | Bilubilis |
813 | 304923689 | UAB | Detroitas |
814 | 305337348 | UAB | AUTOTAIGA |
815 | 304972049 | MB | AUTOLUKA |
816 | 304151796 | UAB | Idėjų sprendimai |
817 | 133476666 | UAB | Gambrasta |
818 | 305342434 | UAB | BELGUPĖ |
819 | 305378448 | UAB | Autlota |
820 | 304543861 | MB | Olanda |
821 | 302767070 | UAB | CarOutlet |
822 | 302789362 | UAB | Profitrade |
823 | 301730674 | UAB | Jurkojta |
824 | 305316973 | UAB | Moneiras |
825 | 305429483 | UAB | AUTOSTOMA |
826 | 305016043 | MB | Romo Servisas |
827 | Ind. v. | Žygintas Šarkūnas | |
828 | 305206427 | UAB | Palis LT |
829 | 300597178 | IĮ | T. Krunkaičio |
830 | 956877 | Ind. v. | Dainius Čeikauskas |
831 | 305410935 | UAB | AMD Auto |
832 | 303001473 | UAB | Aliumina |
833 | 305250391 | UAB | Frauta |
834 | 302750434 | UAB | Gavima |
835 | Ind. v. | Haris Šarkauskas | |
836 | 305464872 | UAB | RKM Group |
837 | 304221084 | UAB | Andeva |
838 | 135552276 | UAB | SmartDeal |
839 | 302426090 | UAB | ATAVIS |
840 | 304756069 | UAB | Portotranas |
841 | 305434815 | UAB | Rapid solutions |
842 | 300600642 | UAB | DANVILA |
843 | 305421166 | MB | Nersiga |
844 | 305431947 | UAB | GRETAUTA |
845 | 304853988 | UAB | Autocentriukas |
846 | 305457333 | UAB | Abanta |
847 | 305446568 | UAB | Alsorta |
848 | 305047601 | UAB | LERENAS |
849 | 302769790 | UAB | Intava |
850 | 168559082 | UAB | Dajurema |
851 | Ind. v. | Armandas Lušys | |
852 | 179856918 | UAB | AUTOVEDA |
853 | 123064372 | UAB | VILTESA |
854 | 134162647 | UAB | Santa Monica Networks |
855 | 125409995 | UAB | Ofnis |
856 | 124264632 | UAB | VILTANIKA |
857 | 304103972 | UAB | Olympus Sverige Aktiebolag (buvusi Olympus Lietuva) |
858 | 124334956 | IĮ | L.Lukoševičienės |
859 | 122019538 | UAB | Elgerta |
860 | 123071413 | UAB | Ogmina |
861 | 125366743 | UAB | ŠVIESOS STUDIJA |
862 | 132797911 | UAB | ANALIZĖ |
863 | 111834071 | UAB | Microlife |
864 | 124942563 | UAB | Literna |
865 | 110395970 | UAB | ELGAMA-ELEKTRONIKA |
866 | 121292719 | UAB | SPEKTRAMED |
867 | 110545669 | UAB | Strongpoint |
868 | 125327893 | UAB | NETO BALTIC |
869 | 300588581 | UAB | Ridiva |
870 | 248111350 | UAB | Smila |
871 | 226245770 | UAB | Elsis TS |
872 | 301585798 | UAB | Fotohobis |
873 | 300578893 | UAB | Novocore |
874 | 182820871 | UAB | Levoriškis |
875 | 302444868 | UAB | EKO2ŠILUMA |
876 | 136060819 | UAB | MAE Technology |
877 | 125967733 | UAB | Mobili prekyba |
878 | 124122896 | UAB | MINGEDA IR KO |
879 | 110018147 | UAB | RASO |
880 | 124603164 | UAB | Autopasaulis ir Ko |
881 | 111747218 | UAB | ESSVE Lietuva |
882 | 300513080 | UAB | Info S |
883 | 300027687 | UAB | GPS Partneris |
884 | 122207650 | UAB | Mingeda |
885 | 300005349 | UAB | DEFENSA |
886 | 110590187 | UAB | Thomas Philipps Baltex |
887 | 126014638 | UAB | Koelner Vilnius |
888 | 300552820 | UAB | Elfa Distrelec |
889 | 110664036 | UAB | HARDIM |
890 | 122008285 | UAB | Inversija |
891 | 110842955 | UAB | Jysk Baltic |
892 | 122891974 | UAB | Lifodas |
893 | 223659990 | UAB | KODINIS RAKTAS |
894 | 300630105 | UAB | Biotecha |
895 | 122435910 | UAB | Fototechnika |
896 | 111551739 | UAB | B.Braun Medical |
897 | 211566770 | UAB | Ericsson Lietuva |
898 | 301694559 | UAB | Diurablis-prekyba |
899 | 123119445 | R. Baltrūno įmonė | |
900 | 124904096 | UAB | Amtest |
901 | 120375749 | UAB | Novatex, mokslinis-techninis susivienijimas |
902 | 302489888 | UAB | TIGER SHOP |
903 | 300105901 | UAB | Audiomedika |
904 | 111554653 | UAB | Zepter International |
905 | 111576920 | UAB | Wurth Lietuva |
906 | 124553590 | UAB | Koliz laikrodžiai |
907 | 110431377 | UAB | Fujifilm Lietuva |
908 | 134077759 | IĮ | Resada |
909 | 300007649 | UAB | BHD |
910 | 122762812 | UAB | ASPA |
911 | 121193272 | UAB | Ekobana |
912 | 111771094 | UAB | ASBK |
913 | 302474473 | UAB | Garant Safety |
914 | 110042632 | UAB | Konica Minolta Baltia |
915 | 121957179 | UAB | ROSTA |
916 | 302666655 | UAB | SmartOffice |
917 | 302251506 | UAB | KRAITIS |
918 | 302466067 | UAB | Huawei Technologies (Vilnius) |
919 | 300798455 | UAB | Techasas Trade |
920 | 302488708 | UAB | Eany |
921 | 302458565 | SIA | Verifone Baltic Lietuvos filialas |
922 | 145440368 | UAB | Slaugivita |
923 | 111794125 | UAB | Dormeo Home |
924 | 302311533 | UAB | Norkada |
925 | 135987225 | UAB | Paslaugų idėja |
926 | 124079434 | UAB | VIKALSTA |
927 | 302516890 | UAB | Fagihi Baltic |
928 | 302758438 | UAB | ARTechnika |
929 | 302748006 | UAB | DEPOLT |
930 | 301060626 | UAB | ALINGA |
931 | 300082388 | UAB | Phoenix Contact |
932 | 110443493 | UAB | SANITEX |
933 | 148530461 | UAB | Vaikutis |
934 | 134257052 | UAB | STIGLA |
935 | 110889271 | UAB | OLIO |
936 | 300566439 | UAB | Xirgo Global |
937 | 300502931 | UAB | TNR Kaunas |
938 | 111802839 | UAB | Sanistal |
939 | 300584266 | UAB | TPI Vilnius |
940 | 140632496 | UAB | BALCO LTD |
941 | 110323729 | UAB | Medita |
942 | 300050433 | UAB | T OPTIMUS |
943 | 147644056 | UAB | Jolinta |
944 | 147736647 | UAB | Graina |
945 | 120536832 | UAB | SKALEVITA |
946 | 123011245 | UAB | Lokmis |
947 | 120537172 | UAB | Skaidula |
948 | 145243239 | UAB | Televizijos sistemos ir įrengimai |
949 | 126002511 | UAB | ELINS |
950 | 110337853 | UAB | Skorpiono takas |
951 | 300595540 | UAB | Groupe President Baltic |
952 | 121464065 | UAB | GRIDA |
953 | 110603713 | UAB | AUDIOTONAS |
954 | 300149641 | UAB | Yukon Advanced Optics Worldwide |
955 | 301400534 | UAB | Margučiai |
956 | 135008748 | UAB | Spikarė |
957 | Ind. v. | Daiva Baranauskienė | |
958 | 134307345 | UAB | Ringitas |
959 | 300970766 | UAB | SOUND SERVICE |
960 | 302499665 | UAB | Mokslo technologijos |
961 | 125456226 | UAB | AMI sprendimai |
962 | 144879921 | UAB | Milgreta |
963 | 148215914 | UAB | CITORA |
964 | 111761933 | UAB | Robert Bosch |
965 | 302409283 | UAB | EPTS |
966 | 302432264 | Siemens Osakeyhtio Lietuvos filialas | |
967 | 124931353 | UAB | Officeday |
968 | 123219417 | UAB | EKSPARAS |
969 | 302307264 | UAB | Time group |
970 | 122021560 | UAB | Vygėja |
971 | 134382579 | UAB | Manjana |
972 | 300113321 | UAB | Peek&Cloppenburg |
973 | 302494999 | UAB | IT MEDIA |
974 | 124100661 | UAB | Kemek Engineering |
975 | 302431995 | UAB | VARLĖ |
976 | 134891925 | UAB | Dolseta |
977 | 136000640 | UAB | Metmatus |
978 | 135039836 | UAB | SPORTLAND LT |
979 | 140476182 | UAB | Pamario baltai |
980 | 163178056 | UAB | Gerduva |
981 | 111610657 | UAB | Hilti Complete Systems |
982 | 135192045 | UAB | Bel canto |
983 | 300013050 | UAB | Mobiliųjų telefonų techninis centras |
984 | 301649553 | UAB | Radijo ryšio sistemos |
985 | 300629245 | UAB | ELIPSIS |
986 | 163294413 | IĮ | Logicomus |
987 | 302312119 | UAB | Ryterna Group |
988 | 303060240 | UAB | Techarena |
989 | 111642466 | UAB | Danfoss |
990 | 124448290 | UAB | Dicto Citius |
991 | 125816838 | UAB | ESEMDA |
992 | 111768155 | UAB | Diamedica |
993 | 300579543 | UAB | CHD LT |
994 | 125719780 | UAB | Paradox distribution centre |
995 | 133797095 | UAB | EPROMA |
996 | 300556879 | UAB | RASIGVA |
997 | 133402897 | UAB | Skaitmeninės technologijos |
998 | 303134089 | UAB | Prolabas |
999 | 122897660 | UAB | Serva Se |
1000 | 126063749 | UAB | BSS prekyba |
1001 | 110750930 | UAB | Elektros įranga |
1002 | 300121065 | UAB | VP sprendimai |
1003 | 125902447 | UAB | Astravita |
1004 | 2900721181 | Motorola Solutions Germany GmbH | |
1005 | 302662379 | UAB | Electronic trade |
1006 | 110893889 | UAB | Koliz Vostok |
1007 | 302710315 | UAB | TULSera |
1008 | 133650992 | UAB | Surdotechnika |
1009 | 301147878 | UAB | Primecom |
1010 | 302453600 | UAB | SIMPLEA |
1011 | 301142728 | UAB | REO Investment |
1012 | 301114554 | UAB | Verslo vartai |
1013 | 110861699 | UAB | Pristis |
1014 | 133651941 | UAB | Emolus |
1015 | 125642298 | UAB | Komsetas |
1016 | 166556397 | IĮ | Aleksandro Niaunio parduotuvė „NORA” |
1017 | 120423642 | UAB | SAKALAS |
1018 | 301911735 | UAB | Dielektrik |
1019 | 301538542 | UAB | INDEEL LT |
1020 | 302341918 | UAB | Interversus |
1021 | 134919730 | UAB | FERIKAS |
1022 | 301734313 | UAB | Rubisolis |
1023 | 300530418 | UAB | Klaipėdos Lytagra |
1024 | 211660860 | UAB | STOKKER |
1025 | 110179684 | UAB | ABB |
1026 | 302843536 | UAB | ZOOCENTRAS LT |
1027 | 134008955 | UAB | LIUDO ĮRANKIAI |
1028 | 302251463 | UAB | Trucks Market |
1029 | 149708810 | UAB | CELSIS |
1030 | 303474483 | UAB | Belameksas |
1031 | 134764162 | UAB | Trikdis |
1032 | 120622256 | UAB | Cgates |
1033 | 303314105 | UAB | ASWO Baltic |
1034 | 303618859 | UAB | Pinosta |
1035 | 176637762 | UAB | Optita |
1036 | 134519743 | UAB | KOSMELITA |
1037 | 303015964 | UAB | Ecodumas |
1038 | 135474571 | UAB | VECTOR ir Ko |
1039 | 135078839 | UAB | Laiko žvaigždė |
1040 | 302331361 | UAB | Taletė |
1041 | 304060364 | Siemens Healthcare Oy Lietuvos filialas | |
1042 | 301318539 | UAB | BAIP |
1043 | 125702927 | UAB | BALTIJOS DIDMENA |
1044 | 122889756 | UAB | NAVITUS LT |
1045 | 301695814 | UAB | GeoNovus |
1046 | 301058543 | UAB | Ruptela |
1047 | 124921583 | UAB | Elbela |
1048 | 303091990 | UAB | Distera |
1049 | 302534917 | UAB | MP PREKYBA |
1050 | 302689885 | UAB | Office Equipment Solutions Baltia |
1051 | 302625427 | UAB | Audio guru |
1052 | 303376861 | UAB | COMMESH |
1053 | 302595368 | UAB | Erdvė profesionalams |
1054 | 134567229 | UAB | Alto servisas |
1055 | 158834911 | UAB | Savingė |
1056 | 133095117 | UAB | KIKA LT |
1057 | 302512746 | UAB | Lukla |
1058 | 2669473-3 | HP FINLAND OY | |
1059 | 2900795684 | AS | AbeStock |
1060 | 125591665 | UAB | Audros Pranašai |
1061 | 121539735 | UAB | Eugesta |
1062 | 302465727 | UAB | EVD |
1063 | 304039854 | UAB | SIROMED PHARMA |
1064 | 302864384 | UAB | Verslo alėja |
1065 | 301746664 | UAB | JOGIS |
1066 | 304074175 | UAB | Hanna Instruments Baltics |
1067 | 123547759 | UAB | Skonis ir kvapas |
1068 | 175858327 | UAB | Tanklita |
1069 | 174921721 | UAB | Eripo |
1070 | 300023614 | UAB | Baltic Orbis |
1071 | 300095528 | UAB | Mobile center |
1072 | 121215434 | UAB | Telia Lietuva |
1073 | 302527940 | UAB | BALTIC MOBILES |
1074 | 304031195 | UAB | Technola |
1075 | 303141646 | UAB | Opera-klausos sprendimai |
1076 | 300642869 | UAB | Maneda |
1077 | 122046752 | UAB | Vilimeksas |
1078 | 301614709 | UAB | Sparus |
1079 | Ind. v. | Aurimas Mieldažys | |
1080 | 304217805 | UAB | Bajtel.LT |
1081 | 172255427 | IĮ | Tako |
1082 | 134684983 | UAB | OMENTA |
1083 | 124943131 | UAB | Aola |
1084 | 149790661 | IĮ | J. Juso |
1085 | 211771280 | UAB | Essity Lithuania |
1086 | 301879586 | UAB | BALTESA |
1087 | 300527895 | UAB | VEGASTEL |
1088 | 302782154 | UAB | AGRODONA |
1089 | 112029651 | AB | Swedbank |
1090 | 151340358 | UAB | ŠVAROS MISIJA |
1091 | 300668732 | IĮ | Skaineta |
1092 | 301733058 | UAB | NIXOR LT |
1093 | 134739294 | UAB | Valsena, V. Bartkevičiaus įmonė |
1094 | 123854815 | UAB | Kodmeda |
1095 | 300570640 | UAB | Philip Morris Baltic |
1096 | 303197285 | MB | EUROMEDIKA |
1097 | 123500866 | UAB | Salmeda |
1098 | 124604266 | UAB | Penkių kontinentų komunikacijų centras |
1099 | 111733040 | UAB | Korporacija Tjanši |
1100 | 111637661 | UAB | ASHBURN International |
1101 | 302749154 | UAB | DEEPER |
1102 | 302494700 | UAB | Ekuotekas |
1103 | 141237452 | UAB | Saugos tarnyba „Argus” |
1104 | 124570369 | UAB | Vilfonika |
1105 | 300633724 | UAB | UBIQUITI NETWORKS EUROPE |
1106 | 304079642 | UAB | HORN DISTRIBUTION |
1107 | 225955760 | UAB | Pro Aris |
1108 | 125957244 | UAB | IMPEKSODA |
1109 | 110878442 | UAB | Ernst & Young Baltic |
1110 | 504 787 565 | SA | Withings |
1111 | 302619246 | UAB | Baltic sales |
1112 | 126328254 | It5, A. Ščerbos firma | |
1113 | 301649603 | UAB | Technet |
1114 | 303147955 | UAB | Rigma |
1115 | 300536563 | UAB | Informacinės sistemos ir technologijos |
1116 | 303471416 | UAB | Linira |
1117 | 121928850 | UAB | ProPoint LT |
1118 | 111688061 | UAB | Viessmann |
1119 | 304152930 | UAB | Mantelija |
1120 | 303582352 | UAB | Tomra Systems |
1121 | 121673734 | UAB | KOTRYNA |
1122 | 304073148 | UAB | Lauras |
1123 | 140592888 | E. Nekio firma „Baterija” | |
1124 | 124257591 | UAB | VYGERDA |
1125 | 123796194 | UAB | LAVEKTA |
1126 | 300878549 | UAB | Paramedica Lietuva |
1127 | 147637624 | UAB | Biznio kontaktai |
1128 | 121958128 | UAB | Kalnapilio-Tauro grupė |
1129 | 251222930 | UAB | Simara |
1130 | 301698575 | IĮ | MANRENTA |
1131 | 145610087 | UAB | Transdovis |
1132 | 211627020 | UAB | Konecranes |
1133 | 303145018 | UAB | Prekeivis |
1134 | 300121108 | UAB | Abbott Medical Lithuania |
1135 | 126224985 | UAB | Proliuks |
1136 | 303055446 | UAB | TERMOBALT |
1137 | 302554898 | UAB | Mary Kay Lithuania |
1138 | 134794682 | UAB | Anjesė |
1139 | 157046541 | UAB | HARIMANAS |
1140 | 300023322 | UAB | Klausos technika |
1141 | 303326659 | UAB | Intrum Global Business Services |
1142 | 148167063 | UAB | Ometa |
1143 | 300531445 | UAB | RM tools |
1144 | 46-1256509 | Inc | Life360 |
1145 | 300058227 | UAB | BVT partneriai |
1146 | 304123850 | UAB | Globus sitis |
1147 | 17188953 | B.V | Illumina Netherlands |
1148 | 111620231 | UAB | IBM Lietuva |
1149 | 304254515 | UAB | Core Networks |
1150 | 134937372 | UAB | Selteka |
1151 | 211589420 | UAB | iDeal LT |
1152 | 303028787 | UAB | Party inbox |
1153 | 300580894 | UAB | Heksimus |
1154 | 304087849 | UAB | Pet City |
1155 | 263715190 | UAB | Nametas |
1156 | 178666232 | UAB | Lazdyno riešutas |
1157 | 302706815 | UAB | Promaksa |
1158 | 123055213 | UAB | Vilimekso servisas |
1159 | 135864112 | UAB | Rikonetas |
1160 | 147926963 | UAB | SIRAMIS |
1161 | 302670721 | UAB | Pireka |
1162 | 303516950 | UAB | GL CO |
1163 | 304297107 | UAB | Neolainas |
1164 | 835731610 | BVBA | FLIR Systems Trading Belgium |
1165 | 186105836 | UAB | Kaidas |
1166 | 304488450 | UAB | Pepco Lithuania |
1167 | 303329744 | UAB | Dignusa |
1168 | 300574578 | UAB | Guard Systems |
1169 | 235291820 | UAB | Klasikinis automobilis |
1170 | 302630310 | UAB | TYDORA |
1171 | 123990637 | K. Trinkūno firmos UPONA | |
1172 | 284088150 | UAB | „Bikuvos” prekyba |
1173 | 304288706 | UAB | PREMIUMSTORE |
1174 | 300847468 | UAB | Albright Lietuva |
1175 | 304529395 | UAB | Audiocentras |
1176 | 302248289 | UAB | LLVI INVEST |
1177 | 303365007 | UAB | Ebisa |
1178 | 304150445 | UAB | Global Furniture Components |
1179 | 301818804 | UAB | Rankis |
1180 | 133784781 | UAB | AIVITA |
1181 | 304638131 | UAB | Elinta Motors |
1182 | 302430427 | UAB | IT Partner |
1183 | 304733572 | MB | Miško šviesos |
1184 | 133076330 | UAB | CITREUM |
1185 | 304047858 | UAB | Strateginiai partneriai |
1186 | 300551572 | UAB | APRANGA PLT |
1187 | 302627022 | UAB | APRANGA MLT |
1188 | 300509648 | UAB | APRANGA BPB LT |
1189 | 304757395 | UAB | APRANGA OLT |
1190 | 300021271 | UAB | APRANGA LT |
1191 | 304042131 | UAB | APRANGA HLT |
1192 | 121933274 | APB | APRANGA |
1193 | 301519684 | UAB | APRANGA SLT |
1194 | 301767562 | UAB | MEDIALANDAS |
1195 | 304537545 | UAB | GLORIS |
1196 | 151217373 | UAB | Versmės projektai |
1197 | 302316039 | UAB | EKOLIUMENAS |
1198 | 300061077 | UAB | Vygrita |
1199 | 304818923 | UAB | Rabalux Baltic |
1200 | Ind. v. | Arunas Lopetaitis | |
1201 | 302934861 | MB | Smaigė |
1202 | 111520074 | UAB | OTTENSTEN |
1203 | 300591054 | UAB | DARUS |
1204 | 304833850 | Siemens Mobility Oy Lietuvos filialas | |
1205 | 2900715442 | Ledvance Oy | |
1206 | 304849331 | UAB | Finder Baltic |
1207 | 303236368 | UAB | Egluna |
1208 | 302448717 | UAB | Kosmolat Baltic |
1209 | 304150032 | UAB | Ryterna Entry |
1210 | 304712432 | UAB | Atomvik |
1211 | 302636605 | UAB | B2B projects |
1212 | 302583348 | UAB | Techman |
1213 | 188607684 | Lietuvos bankas | |
1214 | 179766488 | Beniaus Petkaus firma | |
1215 | 300035787 | UAB | OMRINA |
1216 | 234116070 | UAB | Gravera |
1217 | 152996842 | UAB | Vitrina |
1218 | 302430562 | UAB | PROSPORT.LT |
1219 | 304285457 | UAB | Velonova |
1220 | HRB123130 | SIA | Brainlab Sales GmbH |
1221 | 110498671 | UAB | Ilsanta |
1222 | 302249583 | K. Januškevičienės IĮ | |
1223 | 300008046 | UAB | Monada LT |
1224 | 142081337 | UAB | TRASTILA |
1225 | 304706397 | UAB | Mikrovisatos servisas |
1226 | 304225086 | UAB | Dilaina |
1227 | 300008402 | UAB | Ievos medis |
1228 | 120310790 | UAB | SMIGĖ |
1229 | 304546245 | UAB | HELLA Lithuania |
1230 | 156896565 | L. Mirinausko įmonė | |
1231 | 304943503 | UAB | Biomedikos centras |
1232 | HRB194769 | Tado GmbH | |
1233 | 304590430 | UAB | Decathlon Lietuva |
1234 | 125055475 | UAB | Digitalas |
1235 | 135962752 | UAB | SANTAVILTĖ |
1236 | 121952584 | UAB | Suva |
1237 | 134342289 | UAB | Akvazoo |
1238 | 300616408 | UAB | Sportija |
1239 | 300994767 | UAB | Valtinė |
1240 | 301736809 | UAB | Broniaus transportas |
1241 | 184085388 | UAB | Agrenta |
1242 | 304930908 | UAB | LHP LT |
1243 | 235279070 | UAB | VITROLAB |
1244 | 303326627 | UAB | NNL Procurement |
1245 | 303704393 | UAB | Michael Kors (Lithuania) |
1246 | 300051720 | UAB | PELIAS |
1247 | 134637695 | UAB | Katalita |
1248 | 304500949 | UAB | Baltijos Opena |
1249 | 134506482 | UAB | Gilius ir Ko |
1250 | 148436752 | UAB | „Įrankiai visiems” ir ko |
1251 | 110898135 | UAB | MLVS |
1252 | 111588851 | UAB | Glastech |
1253 | 300154866 | UAB | Medexy |
1254 | 124578825 | UAB | GLASS LT |
1255 | 303238682 | UAB | Topenerga |
1256 | 111635468 | UAB | Rolands Moisejs |
1257 | 302468470 | UAB | eComp |
1258 | 135547286 | UAB | Šviesos magija |
1259 | 110796493 | UAB | Švyturys-Utenos alus |
1260 | _02881068 | SIA | Zebra Technologies Europe Limited |
1261 | 304515965 | UAB | Hollister Lietuva |
1262 | 300017700 | UAB | Euromanas |
1263 | 135198984 | UAB | Kilobaitas |
1264 | 305035385 | UAB | Digitalus LT |
1265 | 300054410 | UAB | Micro Matic |
1266 | 304635904 | UAB | Spectra Baltic |
1267 | 126119728 | UAB | Aibės logistika |
1268 | 111589049 | UAB | Antalis |
1269 | 304065710 | UAB | Darnus verslas |
1270 | 135917853 | UAB | Novitera |
1271 | 304880540 | UAB | Kasparas |
1272 | 301818074 | UAB | Daily print |
1273 | 304770364 | UAB | Geodezija 3D |
1274 | 302737586 | UAB | VAN BERDE KAUNAS |
1275 | 123961895 | UAB | Sormedica |
1276 | 221709640 | UAB | Absolutum |
1277 | 302415279 | UAB | Sintra Baltic |
1278 | 300031995 | UAB | Cramo |
1279 | 110723520 | UAB | Team LT |
1280 | 305427888 | UAB | Siemens Energy Oy Lietuvos filialas |
1281 | 300500670 | UAB | Jukvas |
1282 | 302418492 | UAB | Miromax |
1283 | 305458442 | UAB | Biuro ABC |
1284 | 16061386 | Oriflame Holdings B.V. | |
1285 | 301798547 | UAB | Svelitus |
1286 | 304825387 | MB | Galvotas |
1287 | 111662682 | UAB | IMI Hydronic Engineering |
1288 | 302636758 | UAB | Global watch parts trading |
1289 | 120651489 | UAB | SMART TRADING |
1290 | 301489547 | UAB | Blue Bridge Bond |
1291 | 304607082 | UAB | Geberit |
1292 | 602290773 | SIA | Valve Corporation |
1293 | 300561787 | UAB | Diodenas |
1294 | Ind. v. | ARVYDAS KARITONAS | |
1295 | 147313476 | UAB | ARGRESA |
1296 | 300547990 | UAB | Augme |
1297 | 304969430 | UAB | TELTONIKA EMS |
1298 | 305445893 | UAB | Motoris |
1299 | 304093581 | UAB | Autremgeda |
1300 | 304851567 | UAB | Supportive Electronic Service |
1301 | 305105385 | UAB | Autogilė |
1302 | 301571649 | UAB | VS sistemos |
1303 | 302496085 | UAB | Segris |
1304 | 305603343 | UAB | Inovatera |
1305 | 184295397 | UAB | Dariusja |
1306 | 305196520 | UAB | AUTOKESA |
1307 | 305620855 | UAB | Autoalga |
1308 | 304540922 | MB | Taurobilis |
1309 | 9027677900 | ADATA Technology Co., Ltd. | |
1310 | 305160481 | UAB | Mautojus |
1311 | 303095490 | UAB | Natural Pharmaceuticals |
1312 | 304931892 | MB | Autoniša |
1313 | 302339002 | UAB | Tonerta |
1314 | 300090381 | UAB | Ermitažas |
1315 | 125991990 | UAB | Laurimeta |
1316 | 169269687 | UAB | Daiman |
1317 | 305209074 | MB | Proferus |
1318 | 304091922 | UAB | Baltipega |
1319 | 121113835 | UAB | Elstava |
1320 | 302643254 | UAB | Autovisa |
1321 | 302675348 | UAB | Multisportas |
1322 | 303070590 | UAB | Green group servisas |
1323 | 305470156 | MB | EUROPEAUTO |
1324 | 140927183 | UAB | Bonameda |
1325 | 305578349 | UAB | Teltonika Telematics |
1326 | 305534534 | UAB | Teltonika Telemedic |
1327 | 121529431 | UAB | Amanda |
1328 | 305572022 | UAB | Kneira |
1329 | 111780677 | UAB | VADERSTAD |
1330 | 157663165 | IĮ | Jono Padoro |
1331 | 300062478 | UAB | Aj Produktai |
1332 | 121358044 | UAB | Gristoma |
1333 | 111570853 | UAB | Saint-Gobain statybos gaminiai |
1334 | 122641141 | UAB | Medgana |
1335 | 302713507 | UAB | Čekis |
1336 | 301608994 | UAB | Lumilita |
1337 | 304678535 | UAB | Timita |
1338 | 304884439 | UAB | EVAS |
1339 | 300080316 | UAB | Belgita |
1340 | CHE-229.265.477 | HP Schweiz GmbH | |
1341 | 302324438 | UAB | TRUCKS TRADE |
1342 | 174381816 | UAB | AIRBAG LT |
1343 | 305655863 | UAB | Audelita |
1344 | 302496352 | UAB | PROSELLER |
1345 | 111774813 | UAB | Beijer ref Lithuania |
1346 | 304445118 | UAB | TDK team |
1347 | 135832641 | UAB | Agrokoncerno technika |
1348 | 304917889 | UAB | MB+ |
1349 | 304408098 | UAB | PROGEAR LT |
1350 | 300595106 | UAB | Minivenas |
1351 | 159901341 | UAB | Tauriga |
1352 | 304754538 | MB | Prekyba kitaip |
1353 | 302665037 | UAB | PROLAIN |
1354 | 169822159 | UAB | Verslo stimulas |
1355 | 305216179 | UAB | DNDEAL |
1356 | 303433999 | UAB | Autopatrulis |
1357 | 300027071 | UAB | Radesta |
1358 | 153657617 | M. Čyžienės individuali įmonė „Milčija” | |
1359 | 304629449 | UAB | Tidus |
1360 | 302998351 | UAB | Opoltrans Lithuania |
1361 | 305667278 | UAB | Besko LT |
1362 | 300095115 | UAB | Idomus |
1363 | 302534625 | UAB | AUTGINTA |
1364 | 300667413 | UAB | LADIS |
1365 | Ind. v. | Rolandas Kolesnikovas | |
1366 | 163334893 | IĮ | Luxa |
1367 | 305636628 | MB | KG Auto |
1368 | Ind. v. | Rimas Daukintis | |
1369 | Ind. v. | Gintaras Povilėnas | |
1370 | 151480577 | UAB | Tauro autotransportas |
1371 | 301880535 | UAB | Top B2B |
1372 | 135912354 | UAB | AQUA JAZZ |
1373 | 300070973 | UAB | Akatanus |
1374 | 305683040 | MB | GUSRIDA |
1375 | 305541938 | UAB | Solaris Bus&Coach LT |
1376 | 302671887 | UAB | Busnex |
1377 | 302627809 | UAB | Solet |
1378 | 304777729 | UAB | ARSAMA |
1379 | 302447921 | UAB | VELD |
1380 | 305608486 | UAB | Brauta |
1381 | 305673815 | UAB | MBrush |
1382 | 134288336 | UAB | ELINTA ROBOTICS |
1383 | 179744634 | UAB | Autodeva |
1384 | 305691731 | UAB | Nice Cars |
1385 | 304347026 | UAB | Baltic Last |
1386 | 300132478 | UAB | VMG Technics |
1387 | 305609271 | UAB | PEAUTO |
1388 | 305740559 | UAB | Automicha |
1389 | 304181273 | UAB | Lumbeva |
1390 | 305738985 | MB | ProvanceAliAuto |
1391 | 9000157169 | B.V. | International Maintenance Parts Logistics |
1392 | 305742791 | MB | SJ auto |
1393 | 305719045 | UAB | TS auto |
1394 | 305717400 | UAB | Marcar |
1395 | Ind. v. | Lina Rudelienė | |
1396 | 305763636 | MB | IGVILA |
1397 | Ind. v. | Antanas Kalnius | |
1398 | 300838437 | UAB | Domnesta |
1399 | 305765085 | MB | Tomsana |
1400 | 305769112 | MB | Sakesta |
1401 | 303329609 | UAB | Zum zum |
1402 | 305276226 | MB | Daerta |
1403 | Ind. v. | Aurimas Jankauskas | |
1404 | 134175299 | UAB | Global Petroleum |
1405 | 148159344 | A. Vainikevičiaus firma „Rogirda” | |
1406 | 304985897 | MB | Altrasa |
1407 | 164282613 | UAB | DESKA |
1408 | 3584121 | SIA | Limited |
1409 | 305753784 | UAB | Madmeksa |
1410 | 302970042 | MB | Autospela |
1411 | 304751588 | UAB | Catalana |
1412 | 305811700 | UAB | SKNT |
1413 | 302559322 | UAB | Mobile Heavy Machinery |
1414 | Ind. v. | Evaldas Pekys | |
1415 | Ind. v. | Raimondas Kiznis | |
1416 | 301739634 | UAB | Viteka |
1417 | 305691966 | UAB | Autoaurida |
1418 | 302932885 | UAB | Autleks |
1419 | 305739083 | UAB | BRV Auto |
1420 | Ind. v. | Mykolas Zigmantas | |
1421 | Ind. v. | Rimgaudas Balaika | |
1422 | 305608109 | IĮ | Kartomas |
1423 | 305751096 | MB | Gedautos |
1424 | 108673V | KTM AG | |
1425 | 305757366 | MB | Kresa |
1426 | 41992174 | Digital Flying Tiger Copenhagen A/S | |
1427 | 304050612 | UAB | Dareda |
1428 | 305844248 | MB | Auto 72 |
1429 | 305631862 | MB | RKTL |
1430 | 50003960321 | Asbis Baltic SIA LV | |
1431 | 158181588 | Jurbarko rajono Medininkų žemės ūkio bendrovė | |
1432 | HRB34244 | Bike21 GmbH | |
1433 | 305798135 | UAB | Autodarka |
1434 | 302651991 | UAB | Vaidara |
1435 | Ind. v. | Valdas Urbonas | |
1436 | 305767200 | MB | EDS auto |
1437 | 110849177 | UAB | Allium UPI |
1438 | 305705120 | MB | Darnata |
1439 | 301299537 | UAB | Mavis |
1440 | Ind. v. | Ivan Grinčuk | |
1441 | 305889688 | MB | Marvada |
1442 | 300560201 | UAB | Sfekas |
1443 | 305593543 | MB | Lunasta |
1444 | 305004386 | UAB | Autokubas |
1445 | 151456124 | UAB | Gintalva |
1446 | Ind. v. | Alvyda Kaminskaitė | |
1447 | 305815086 | UAB | Arkeda |
1448 | 305742688 | UAB | Masta auto |
1449 | 305742528 | UAB | MM automobile |
1450 | 305894710 | UAB | Taumanta |
1451 | 300627372 | UAB | Narbona |
1452 | 305730433 | MB | Doretis |
1453 | 305890167 | UAB | Jrautos |
1454 | 305389829 | UAB | Veralisa |
1455 | 304035496 | UAB | Umega Agro |
1456 | 305352389 | UAB | Smartlinė |
1457 | Ind. v. | Rimantas Čaikauskas | |
1458 | Ind. v. | Almonas Gerbenis | |
1459 | 302476727 | UAB | Tavira |
1460 | 302872491 | UAB | Ekoveda |
1461 | Ind. v. | Ernestas Danielis | |
1462 | 305699646 | MB | Provence auto |
1463 | 9188362 | VidaXL Europe BV | |
1464 | Ind. v. | Gintas Saveikis | |
1465 | 305907517 | UAB | Ariukas |
1466 | Ind. v. | Vaidas Jankauskas | |
1467 | 303769850 | UAB | Loparus |
1468 | 305768327 | UAB | Renlain |
1469 | 302949938 | UAB | Tridens LT |
1470 | 305696251 | MB | AVT AUTO |
1471 | Ind. v. | Andrius Petkevičius | |
1472 | 305894831 | UAB | Herkam |
1473 | 304870069 | Luminor Bank AS Lietuvos skyrius | |
1474 | 302721094 | UAB | Tulsana |
1475 | 305697969 | MB | Vasrida |
1476 | 305696924 | MB | Ardiauto |
1477 | 30338413 | Eva Solo A/S | |
1478 | 302766036 | UAB | Saulės grąža |
1479 | Ind. v. | Mantas Kolodavičius | |
1480 | 305711365 | MB | Noriuauto |
1481 | 303289335 | UAB | Julinas |
1482 | 300631164 | UAB | Tek Know Baltic |
1483 | 169271414 | J. Tekučio įmonė | |
1484 | 305926115 | MB | Autoturtai |
1485 | 305898121 | UAB | DB Motors |
1486 | 64193756 | Reflection Investment B.V. | |
1487 | 304082834 | UAB | Eltechnika |
1488 | 305786656 | MB | Autogutas |
1489 | 305655728 | UAB | VDautomarket |
1490 | 305688151 | MB | Milauto |
1491 | Ind. v. | Aivaras Malašinskas | |
1492 | 302778775 | UAB | Deiremas |
1493 | 304251113 | UAB | Autopara |
1494 | 304437662 | UAB | Taiklu |
1495 | 304507438 | UAB | Vesorija |
1496 | KVK33220027 | HP Europe BV | |
1497 | 304697418 | UAB | Mėmelio valdos |
1498 | 122771971 | UAB | Education & Business Technologies |
1499 | Ind. v. | Donatas Černiauskas | |
1500 | 305688240 | MB | Luka group |
1501 | 302527488 | UAB | Duomenų logistikos centras |
1502 | 302579823 | UAB | Oetiker Lietuva |
1503 | 111712637 | UAB | Rimonne Baltic |
1504 | 305561054 | UAB | Evolution Lithuania |
1505 | 305273899 | UAB | Autopro LT |
1506 | Ind. v. | Edvinas Vitkauskas | |
1507 | 303305113 | UAB | Eurofondas |
1508 | 124715829 | UAB | DABALTA IR KO |
1509 | 305822636 | MB | Keisk auto |
1510 | 305915841 | MB | Atlanticauto |
1511 | Ind. v. | Donatas Vaitonis | |
1512 | 302923758 | UAB | Mercury logistics |
1513 | 305862164 | MB | Dolauda |
1514 | 111547089 | UAB | Baltic Agro |
1515 | Ind. v. | Kastytis Remeikis | |
1516 | 305905516 | UAB | BEM CARS |
1517 | 305879701 | UAB | RA AUTO |
1518 | 305837645 | MB | IEVADOLIS |
1519 | 305905249 | UAB | NG AUTO |
1520 | 305831382 | UAB | EGA CARS |
1521 | 305914038 | UAB | CARMITA |
1522 | 250103670 | E. Petraičio ĮI | |
1523 | 305904460 | UAB | VMG Service Klaipėda |
1524 | 305660419 | UAB | Mare serenum |
1525 | 303182002 | UAB | Litradė |
1526 | 305742962 | MB | Soderta |
1527 | Ind. v. | Natig Rustamov | |
1528 | 305170333 | MB | Smartprova |
1529 | 304419415 | UAB | Monimoto |
1530 | 305689260 | UAB | Guidehouse Lithuania |
1531 | 302580398 | UAB | Gyvenimo jūra |
1532 | 248345830 | UAB | UAB Magnum Veterinarija |
1533 | 302636313 | UAB | Ignara |
1534 | 305743562 | MB | MB AUTEVA |
1535 | Ind. v. | Arnoldas Butvinskas | |
1536 | 304637823 | UAB | Hafna |
1537 | 235677430 | UAB | Reveka |
1538 | 305672510 | UAB | LT Motors |
1539 | 305974640 | MB | Virgexport |
1540 | 305965118 | UAB | Man rūpi rytojus |
1541 | 148127873 | UAB | Autovilkikas |
1542 | 303293839 | UAB | Arnela |
1543 | 305429501 | UAB | Gaublys |
1544 | 305607808 | UAB | RG Logistic |
1545 | 305725315 | MB | JEprekyba |
1546 | 180292592 | MB | 12 voltų |
1547 | 304282190 | UAB | Žygauta |
1548 | Ind. v. | Sigitas Navikas | |
1549 | 305711924 | MB | Gedo auto |
1550 | Ind. v. | Denis Fedotov | |
1551 | 301340539 | UAB | Motodalys |
1552 | Ind. v. | Šarūnas Tamošiūnas | |
1553 | 305728546 | MB | Autopros |
1554 | Ind. v. | Evaldas Bagdzevicius | |
1555 | 305742695 | UAB | Monat Natural Europe Limited filialas Monat Global Lithuania |
1556 | 304091598 | UAB | KK TRADE |
1557 | 145130572 | UAB | Beconis |
1558 | HRB680291 | Duravit AG c/o | |
1559 | 300071858 | UAB | Fotoprekyba |
1560 | 305467555 | UAB | Litcarbalt |
1561 | 305600774 | MB | BiAuto |
1562 | Ind. v. | Aurimas Šiaudzionis | |
1563 | 305839190 | MB | Godmanta |
1564 | 302463651 | UAB | D&G kompiuteriai |
1565 | 300670046 | UAB | Amerikietiški automobiliai |
1566 | 304384416 | UAB | Edvino transportas |
1567 | 305919715 | MB | Auramas |
1568 | 305970236 | MB | Iperku |
1569 | 301820545 | UAB | Movada |
1570 | 305744867 | MB | KR Autos |
1571 | 306023222 | MB | Importauto |
1572 | 305934731 | MB | Alz-Auto |
1573 | 304148483 | UAB | Valdmedika |
1574 | 304224874 | UAB | Autrata |
1575 | 135940528 | UAB | Auto EDU |
1576 | 304847914 | UAB | Marko importas |
1577 | 304846698 | MB | Belauda |
1578 | 305729491 | UAB | Prokion |
1579 | 305978069 | UAB | DKautospot |
1580 | 305733187 | MB | Daral auto |
1581 | 305694492 | MB | Astra 45 |
1582 | Ind. v. | Domantas Pranys | |
1583 | 300025914 | UAB | Dekoralas |
1584 | Ind. v. | Gražvydas Biknius | |
1585 | 305890014 | MB | Ignota |
1586 | 166660442 | UAB | Sura |
1587 | 305167426 | UAB | COMPARE THE TOOLS |
1588 | 305159881 | MB | Autožirnis |
1589 | 305989247 | MB | Autojurida |
1590 | 301306654 | UAB | Autoamera |
1591 | 305976627 | UAB | SPA garage |
1592 | 305905644 | UAB | MG Motors |
1593 | 305784096 | MB | Tylgreita |
1594 | 149897617 | UAB | Autorimita |
1595 | 306048108 | MB | Erikauto |
1596 | 306057395 | MB | Karatai |
1597 | 302128539 | UAB | Laivo sandėlis |
1598 | Ind. v. | Jonas Trinkūnas | |
1599 | HRB170722 | TTI, Inc | |
1600 | 305682497 | UAB | Sijora |
1601 | CHE-114.687.395 | Terex Global GmbH | |
1602 | 302267574 | UAB | Gima Industry |
1603 | 302835621 | UAB | AUTODONMINA |
1604 | Ind. v. | Svajūnas Buivydas | |
1605 | 304063008 | UAB | Glosendas |
1606 | 306066490 | MB | Automeris |
1607 | 304766387 | MB | Lucenta |
1608 | 305579419 | UAB | TELTONIKA NETWORKS |
1609 | 305268763 | MB | |
1610 | 305978642 | MB | Dimon autocenter |
1611 | 126169745 | UAB | Berner Lietuva |
1612 | 305977704 | MB | TM auto |
1613 | 302836463 | UAB | Visual solutions |
1614 | 305968356 | MB | Aajara LT |
1615 | 305905217 | MB | DG autos |
1616 | 134576192 | UAB | Baltic auto shipping |
1617 | 305999316 | MB | Autogiba |
1618 | 300545402 | UAB | Horo mechanika |
1619 | 306019131 | MB | RL Trucks |
1620 | 147529890 | D.Žilio įmonė | |
1621 | 302607913 | UAB | TECH4S |
1622 | 303241454 | UAB | Mataras |
1623 | Ind. v. | Arturas Belianas | |
1624 | 151135652 | UAB | G. Luckaus firma „Rida” |
1625 | 145221538 | UAB | SPLIUS |
1626 | HRA120100 | Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG | |
1627 | 305562149 | MB | Grinvida |
1628 | 126408729 | UAB | Monameda |
1629 | 306041455 | MB | ErstMotors |
1630 | 302610140 | UAB | INSEREG GROUP |
1631 | Ind. v. | Airidas Pranskaitis | |
1632 | 134634432 | UAB | Terama |
1633 | Ind. v. | Sigitas Kazokas | |
1634 | 305906664 | UAB | VMG Service Akmenė |
1635 | 73123404 | Young Living Europe B.V. | |
1636 | 305839468 | MB | Lautoda |
1637 | 303241486 | UAB | Cargonetas |
1638 | 305667851 | UAB | Pro transportas |
1639 | 111545113 | UAB | Reimpex Kaunas |
1640 | 305904841 | MB | Draco Dalys |
1641 | Ind. v. | Žydrūnas Šlevinskas | |
1642 | Ind. v. | Marijus Ivanauskas | |
1643 | 304489805 | UAB | Eurotransus |
1644 | Ind. v. | Kęstutis Kazickas | |
1645 | Ind. v. | Matas Raišys | |
1646 | 305990630 | UAB | Photorig |
1647 | 306060879 | UAB | Vernas EU |
1648 | 305822579 | MB | Autokisi |
1649 | 306142066 | MB | STR AUTO |
1650 | 306141295 | MB | NL Autos |
1651 | 303005607 | UAB | Enzas |
1652 | 306130256 | MB | Kretingos autodalys |
1653 | Ind. v. | Robertas Norkeliūnas | |
1654 | 159891491 | UAB | Redginta |
1655 | 300114793 | UAB | Solandra |
1656 | 305783724 | UAB | LG auto |
1657 | 300039127 | UAB | Agrarinės paslaugos |
1658 | 305971772 | UAB | Fintransa |
1659 | 305721021 | MB | Bura |
1660 | 300655813 | UAB | Ervitrans |
1661 | 303116550 | UAB | Yamatecha |
1662 | 306139903 | MB | AG Baltic autotrade |
1663 | Ind. v. | Rolandas Jurkevičius | |
1664 | 305638440 | MB | Rs technika |
1665 | 133928573 | UAB | Flamanda |
1666 | 300571913 | UAB | Glasspro |
1667 | 110644539 | UAB | Hokla |
1668 | 122259914 | UAB | ARX AUTO |
1669 | HRB79224 | Wacom Europe GmbH | |
1670 | 304492858 | UAB | Miles LT |
1671 | 306153333 | MB | Transport system |
1672 | 305602960 | MB | Vakarų Auto |
1673 | 302798450 | UAB | Deviro |
1674 | 305433439 | UAB | Euro intercargo |
1675 | 306140777 | UAB | AUTODEAL GROUP |
1676 | Ind. v. | Nerijus Baškevičius | |
1677 | 145590738 | UAB | Autoarlita |
1678 | 305973951 | MB | Klanauto |
1679 | Ind. v. | Robertas Grigaliūnas | |
1680 | 305857199 | UAB | Nordex Lithuania |
1681 | 304863046 | UAB | Garant ProTech |
1682 | 304404071 | MB | Autozyga |
1683 | 305716184 | MB | Carmodeta |
1684 | 305737641 | MB | Ambilis |
1685 | 306149961 | MB | Barkesta |
1686 | 303481360 | MB | Rokveža |
1687 | 303313206 | UAB | Transporto saugos sprendimai |
1688 | 306058807 | MB | Pulteka |
1689 | 110721512 | UAB | Hidrobalt |
1690 | 305805170 | UAB | Paul Stricker Lithuania |
1691 | 306138979 | UAB | Drovis |
1692 | 225863550 | UAB | Mardentas |
1693 | 135105948 | UAB | Albatros prekyba |
1694 | 305819622 | UAB | Tomresa |
1695 | 125668962 | UAB | Kompiuterių gama |
1696 | 305771152 | UAB | Vildeima |
1697 | 304041104 | UAB | Promo vero |
1698 | 300585005 | UAB | CLEAN ELITE |
1699 | 306063035 | MB | Darelita |
1700 | 304424615 | UAB | Adascars |
1701 | Ind. v. | Kęstutis Petronis | |
1702 | 184266698 | UAB | Jontransa |
1703 | 304101341 | UAB | Skirvita |
1704 | Ind. v. | Donatas Gaižauskas | |
1705 | 305728165 | MB | AEM group |
1706 | 305956642 | UAB | TELTONIKA ENERGY |
1707 | 306182598 | MB | ALADIN AUTO |
1708 | 133943714 | UAB | Litfarma |
1709 | 300630315 | UAB | Sell-auto |
1710 | 305694777 | MB | Technomada |
1711 | 306219502 | MB | Eimanto automobiliai |
1712 | 306158469 | UAB | Bideris |
1713 | 306085747 | UAB | Antratu |
1714 | 306189183 | UAB | Autograsa |
1715 | 305969166 | MB | Guntulita |
1716 | 110301113 | UAB | Veta |
1717 | 302522982 | UAB | Aukcionas123 |
1718 | 305586812 | MB | Spaisera |
1719 | 306023592 | MB | Nortolas |
1720 | 302497550 | UAB | Elmitra |
1721 | 306010584 | MB | GREMIUM AUTO |
1722 | 305481708 | MB | Lubos kitaip |
1723 | 306165595 | UAB | Ordika |
1724 | 305984969 | MB | Truck inn |
1725 | 305810107 | MB | Feltus |
1726 | 304708793 | UAB | Torio projektai |
1727 | 305729769 | MB | Auto NL |
1728 | 306054958 | UAB | Arzena |
1729 | 305717560 | UAB | Eirmona |
1730 | Ind. v. | Egidijus Gintautas | |
1731 | 210798730 | UAB | Drūtsraigtis |
1732 | 305680471 | UAB | Madeco |
1733 | 166566548 | UAB | Henriko autoservisas |
1734 | 124136344 | UAB | AVG Automix |
1735 | 305564196 | UAB | Misius and co |
1736 | 302734355 | UAB | Nabekas |
1737 | 301673675 | UAB | Sportturas |
1738 | 111528911 | UAB | Vision Express |
1739 | 306237137 | MB | BELGAUTO |
1740 | Ind. v. | Audrius Purlys | |
1741 | 304596465 | MB | Tomova |
1742 | 302494732 | VšĮ | RP AUTO |
1743 | 300131166 | UAB | EIMASTA |
1744 | 111624781 | UAB | GEA Baltics |
1745 | 305889841 | UAB | GBC Moto |
1746 | 124951950 | UAB | Eurolaikas |
1747 | 303393095 | UAB | Eurometas |
1748 | 304429306 | UAB | Automazgas |
1749 | 304086373 | UAB | Magnum Medical |
1750 | HRB163550 | OM Digital Solutions GmbH | |
1751 | 305367398 | UAB | H2Oras |
1752 | 305720186 | UAB | Kyndryl Lithuania |
1753 | 306252616 | UAB | MedUS Medical |
1754 | 305983931 | MB | Adomauto |
1755 | Ind. v. | Darius Guiga | |
1756 | Ind. v. | Mindaugas Liutkevičius | |
1757 | Ind. v. | Kęstutis Klimas | |
1758 | 306209294 | MB | Ber autos |
1759 | 303047894 | UAB | Judrega |
1760 | 5463328 | Zwift, Inc | |
1761 | 69495874 | Audio-Technica Ltd.-Dutch Branch | |
1762 | 134993481 | UAB | Osama |
1763 | 121702328 | UAB | MV GROUP Distribution LT |
1764 | 302645668 | UAB | Arvinga |
1765 | 134746488 | UAB | Adranas |
1766 | 306236252 | UAB | Etimorus |
1767 | 306236423 | UAB | Manvilda |
1768 | 67060269 | Samsung Electronics Air Conditioner Europe B.V. | |
1769 | 306214448 | UAB | Daliaus auto |
1770 | 302465613 | UAB | AKOMOS AUTOSERVISAS |
1771 | HRB763906 | Instagrid GmbH | |
1772 | 306281297 | MB | Renauto |
1773 | 144535557 | UAB | Kaslita |
1774 | 302896599 | MB | GULBINAS 33 |
1775 | 302338434 | UAB | Autogedas |
1776 | 306214494 | MB | RELAXAUTO99 |
1777 | 303305113 | UAB | Eurofondas |
1778 | 302316516 | UAB | Magista |
1779 | 304052392 | UAB | Varžto broliai |
1780 | 304423673 | UAB | Kantė |
1781 | 305825162 | UAB | AUTOADA |
1782 | 302621165 | UAB | Demiva |
1783 | 306223301 | MB | Titru |
1784 | 306285737 | MB | AUTOLAMBA |
1785 | 305598800 | MB | Vikodalys |
1786 | 305938555 | UAB | Abameda |
1787 | 306091814 | MB | GMT Auto |
1788 | 305326387 | UAB | Vanita LT |
1789 | 305540149 | UAB | JUSEMA LOGISTICS |
1790 | 123508375 | UAB | Polimaster Europe |
1791 | 305806105 | UAB | Caerus Biotechnologies |
1792 | HRB13615 | Secunet Security Networks AG | |
1793 | 88642 4761 RC0002 | Genetec Inc. | |
1794 | 305709439 | MB | Vaseda |
1795 | 304966676 | MB | 12 voltų |
1796 | 306189653 | UAB | RYKAS |
1797 | 175878881 | UAB | RV padangos |
1798 | HRB71733 | tonies GmbH | |
1799 | 301691627 | UAB | LTLAB |
1800 | Ind. v. | Algimantas Smelstorius | |
1801 | Ind. v. | Šarūnas Gylys | |
1802 | Ind. v. | Tomas Sušinskas | |
1803 | 305725361 | UAB | OLICARGO |
1804 | 303353389 | UAB | Ginterika |
1805 | 305850322 | UAB | CARGOLAN EU |
1806 | 1165764-97 | Elemental Technologies LLC | |
1807 | 304809874 | MB | Anglera |
1808 | 305741846 | UAB | Babycare lt |
1809 | 306148998 | MB | Kdata |
1810 | Ind. v. | Rimantas Vasalauskas | |
1811 | HRB 15183 | EFT-Systems GmbH | |
1812 | 306225149 | MB | ASB auto |
1813 | 305585817 | IĮ | DV-AUTO |
1814 | 304761931 | MB | Saugi gamyba |
1815 | 111568069 | UAB | Swedbank lizingas |
1816 | 304367986 | MB | Profilaktikos akademija |
1817 | 306237094 | MB | Auto Kretinga, MB |
1818 | HRB 13104 | Prophete In Moving GmbH | |
1819 | Ind. v. | Dainius Aukstuolis | |
1820 | 300649187 | UAB | Enefit |
1821 | 306228985 | UAB | Ekovit |
1822 | 306242860 | UAB | TD AUTO LT |
1823 | 301220536 | UAB | Gretminda |
1824 | 306239024 | UAB | Denis cars |
1825 | 305812097 | UAB | KADO auto |
1826 | 305819106 | MB | Volungeda |
1827 | 305807762 | MB | S-rola |
1828 | 305424963 | MB | Marauta |
1829 | 305608109 | IĮ | Kartomas |
1830 | HRB 162998 | Aviano GmbH | |
1831 | 306340525 | MB | Rogis Motors |
1832 | Ind. v. | Artūras Adomaitis | |
1833 | 135685159 | UAB | Signeda |
1834 | 306105559 | UAB | TRIOSERVISAS |
1835 | 304781485 | UAB | NOVASTAR LT |
1836 | 50203407371 | SIA | ifm BALTIC |
1837 | HRB508042 | Qundis GmbH | |
1838 | 305988106 | UAB | Ekobilis |
1839 | 418442 | U.S. Bank Europe DAC | |
1840 | 304271169 | UAB | Simna |
1841 | 303335932 | UAB | AUTOERDUVA |
1842 | KRS 000054172 | MODIVO SPOLKA AKCYJNA | |
1843 | 304977893 | UAB | Bajus |
1844 | 300532223 | UAB | Rugita |
1845 | 306221446 | UAB | Augustera |
1846 | 306374634 | MB | Renkauta |
1847 | Ind. v. | Rozita Totulienė | |
1848 | 135689175 | UAB | Hetlita |
1849 | 306268588 | MB | Autoatmosfera |
1850 | 47458714 | LEGO System A/S | |
1851 | 306289461 | UAB | NORDTAURA |
1852 | 306309266 | MB | JL Works |
1853 | 305988120 | UAB | Autopetrok |
1854 | 304771427 | UAB | Bekonas LT |
1855 | 304092127 | MB | Aktivis |
1856 | 304712126 | UAB | Autonaras |
1857 | 124687618 | UAB | Ąžuolų loma |
1858 | 306310222 | MB | Automedik |
1859 | 306228202 | MB | EGO auto |
1860 | 171696632 | UAB | Litnaglis |
1861 | 303087294 | UAB | Autogarbus |
1862 | 306303808 | MB | Glauto |
1863 | 305792762 | MB | RV Imports, MB |
1864 | 306207934 | MB | Autotarpininkas |
1865 | 300521262 | UAB | Nobel Biocare |
1866 | 111744446 | UAB | Jotron |
1867 | 306262941 | MB | DMCAUTO |
1868 | 306294622 | MB | Saubela |
1869 | 302298947 | UAB | Kasko Group |
1870 | 121979631 | UAB | Agrofirma Sėklos |
1871 | 305972917 | MB | Dinekta |
1872 | 306232777 | MB | Mibo Auto |
1873 | 305762662 | UAB | Autode |
1874 | 306234447 | MB | Autausa |
1875 | 135610669 | UAB | Jutonas |
1876 | 110378330 | UAB | Sistem |
1877 | 304443505 | UAB | Salmaster |
1878 | 1139012 | Siemens Osakeyhtiö | |
1879 | Ind. v. | Donatas Lementauskas | |
1880 | 306204233 | MB | Tausira |
1881 | 302653330 | UAB | Amona |
1882 | 305983333 | MB | Laumedis |
1883 | 305699639 | UAB | Vitalimax |
1884 | Ind. v. | Richardas Mikutavičius | |
1885 | 302311113 | UAB | ŠVARI ENERGIJA |
1886 | 275881330 | Rimo Astrausko įmonė | |
1887 | 305558656 | MB | Autoskala |
1888 | 302705492 | UAB | Electrobase LT |
1889 | 305735882 | MB | AUTOTEXAS |
1890 | 303161428 | MB | Grojam |
1891 | 134515346 | UAB | Chirurgijos technologijos |
1892 | 47539569 | Donoci s.r.o. | |
1893 | 302442358 | UAB | SPgrupe |
1894 | 303566558 | UAB | Proseka |
1895 | 305768081 | MB | Simonera |
1896 | 305674739 | MB | Sunteka |
1897 | 304071364 | UAB | GSS Baltic |
1898 | 306265396 | MB | Definas |
1899 | 300669695 | UAB | Grindalita |
1900 | 111743878 | UAB | Hormann Baltic |
1901 | 304709685 | UAB | Degučių dalys |
1902 | 304184885 | UAB | EMIVA |
1903 | 305887769 | MB | PAAUTO |
1904 | 304269855 | UAB | Droplet Genomics |
1905 | 302907106 | MB | Internetiniai verslo sprendimai |
1906 | 306247010 | MB | TOP Baterija |
1907 | 306272184 | MB | Jantanera |
1908 | 303168305 | UAB | Minmara |
1909 | 302782955 | UAB | Mobilus miestas |
1910 | 126297271 | UAB | RETAL Baltic Films |
1911 | 304179030 | UAB | Biltransa |
1912 | 46546219 | Dyson Technology B.V. | |
1913 | 306219826 | MB | Havvk |
1914 | 303572529 | UAB | Pinkpharma |
1915 | 306005313 | MB | MANTAUTA |
1916 | 304368230 | MB | Gerasauta |
1917 | Ind. v. | Marija Sutnikienė | |
1918 | 304423125 | UAB | Surveta |
1919 | 304868926 | UAB | Autohermanos |
1920 | 302873458 | MB | Saulės ūkis |
1921 | 302413794 | UAB | Autlit |
1922 | 275879450 | UAB | VIP tools |
1923 | 305929015 | MB | Spectronika |
1924 | 305774166 | UAB | Bileris |
1925 | 306486081 | UAB | Spartnet |
1926 | 304533970 | UAB | Dipras |
1927 | 305364384 | MB | Onlainas |
1928 | 306125451 | MB | Mūsų rūpestis |
1929 | 306188583 | UAB | Glamonės |
1930 | 302954390 | UAB | AUTOEXPORT |
1931 | 135928725 | UAB | Informacinių technologijų pasaulis |
1932 | HRB 17061 KI | tesa SE | |
1933 | 304903327 | UAB | Alonela |
1934 | 135548769 | UAB | Mažutis |
1935 | 123945542 | UAB | Vilduja |
1936 | 306088622 | MB | Autopin |
1937 | 306308171 | MB | Mini verslas |
1938 | 306070581 | MB | LTRAIL SOLUTIONS |
1939 | 306665508 | UAB | Bara Motors |
1940 | 300047743 | UAB | Miau muzika |
1941 | 305955266 | UAB | SMARTDOOR LT |
1942 | 305688048 | MB | Ev trade |
1943 | 306526615 | UAB | Ajomus grupe |
1944 | 304158050 | UAB | Robama |
1945 | 305979349 | MB | CRP PIRIT |
1946 | 303906968 | UAB | Taluda |
1947 | 305073133 | UAB | Trys broliai |
1948 | 305103135 | UAB | Esolis |
1949 | 235014830 | AB | Kauno energija |
1950 | 302964915 | UAB | Giminija |
1951 | 304040632 | UAB | PARTESA |
1952 | 122018621 | UAB | Magora |
1953 | 306419691 | UAB | Versano |
1954 | 302519559 | UAB | Eko sesės |
1955 | Ind. v. | Justinas Lukoševičius | |
1956 | 305700746 | MB | Bakas |
1957 | 770629474 | GoPro Inc | |
1958 | 304412125 | UAB | Autoskerdykla |
1959 | 306654255 | MB | EMAUTA |
1960 | 304405789 | UAB | Autokapitalas |
1961 | 10521585 | CoomorLander OÜ | |
1962 | 16866109 | Navit OÜ | |
1963 | 306118624 | MB | Modus E-Commerce |
1964 | 300918634 | UAB | Ragraunda |
1965 | 40103209226 | Electrobase Sia | |
1966 | 302664832 | UAB | Merstoja |
1967 | 305893117 | UAB | Carvesta |
1968 | 145910526 | UAB | Technesa |
1969 | 306031646 | MB | MKT AUTO |
1970 | 306075596 | UAB | RG motore |
1971 | 305048831 | UAB | Hilla |
1972 | 305025925 | UAB | ADDMORE |
1973 | 302852421 | UAB | Wind Traders |
1974 | HRB 24948 | SIRONA Dental Systems GmbH | |
1975 | HRB 221905 | Sonova Consumer Hearing GmbH | |
1976 | 11278572 | INSYSTEM BALTIC OÜ | |
1977 | 304569354 | UAB | Egroka |
1978 | 306639716 | MB | LUMARTA |
1979 | 306303199 | UAB | E Alarms |
1980 | 301920549 | UAB | BVN group |
1981 | 306127178 | MB | IT Recycling |
1982 | 302432563 | UAB | GMALL |
1983 | 59065982 | POLAROID INTERNATIONAL B.V. | |
1984 | 305736009 | UAB | PRO BRO Car Wash Systems |
1985 | 302570920 | UAB | Loveta |
1986 | 304417909 | UAB | Arnauta |
1987 | 306682607 | MB | Carteka |
1988 | 242108760 | UAB | Techruna |
1989 | 306121887 | MB | AUREST |
1990 | Ind. v. | Vaidotas Vadaiša | |
1991 | 305317274 | MB | Renautos |
1992 | 300086753 | UAB | Ntyrimai |
1993 | 304947708 | UAB | Varika |
1994 | 40203454406 | Witt Baltic SIA | |
1995 | HRA201253 | Sartorius Lab Instruments GmbH & Co. KG | |
1996 | 000033434484 | Block Global B.V. | |
1997 | 306726530 | MB | Bien Auto |
1998 | 306630681 | MB | Techny |
1999 | Ind. v. | Remigijus Stonkus | |
2000 | NV20212185838 | Manscaped, Inc | |
2001 | 305542577 | MB | EPrekyba LT |
2002 | 16222487 | TimeRoom OÜ | |
2003 | 306624696 | UAB | Spoteris |
2004 | 305785305 | MB | Skvairas |
2005 | 303387103 | UAB | Justvyta |
2006 | 302615073 | UAB | KURYBA |
2007 | 306733279 | MB | Damta |
2008 | 306723107 | UAB | AKAS AUTO |
2009 | Ind. v. | Mantas Vaitoška | |
2010 | Ind. v. | Aleksandr Prikul | |
2011 | 302544384 | UAB | Žemaitijos investicijos |
2012 | 306087100 | MB | Mecargo |
2013 | 302788513 | UAB | Akto |
2014 | 301123585 | UAB | Lukaja |
2015 | 306019170 | MB | MTD Apranga |
2016 | 300151140 | UAB | NNL LT |
2017 | 302325942 | UAB | Transrada |
2018 | 306264515 | MB | Buying Solutions |
2019 | 304909725 | B | Rimegas |
2020 | 306700941 | MB | Cardeal |
2021 | Ind. v. | Sergej Poberežnij | |
2022 | 7642652564 | REVENTO Kamil Ekiert | |
2023 | 303389093 | UAB | Genering |
2024 | 306621127 | UAB | Arjora |
2025 | 300136188 | UAB | Mautoras |
2026 | 303332815 | UAB | Motodina |
2027 | Ind. v. | Edgaras Bandža | |
2028 | 302624186 | UAB | JR Transportas |
2029 | 121524847 | UAB | Raitas |
2030 | 306656249 | MB | Saltauto |
2031 | Ind. v. | Sigitas Butėnas | |
2032 | Ind. v. | Marius Žmuida | |
2033 | 134684111 | UAB | VISAS LABAS |
2034 | 300051282 | UAB | Morning LT |
2035 | 121967668 | UAB | Vilandra |
2036 | 306212760 | MB | Multinema |
2037 | 147150189 | UAB | Auto žiedas ir Co |
2038 | 303331318 | UAB | ALTAS IT |
2039 | 14296300 | BERG PERFORM OÜ | |
2040 | 304760217 | UAB | Bonum statum |
2041 | 302434849 | UAB | Bioklinikos |
2042 | 305289946 | MB | Doho LT |
2043 | 302411754 | UAB | Jogesa |
2044 | 300112632 | UAB | Baltic Maintenance |
2045 | 305200381 | UAB | SAMLITA |
2046 | 306007613 | MB | Venkada |
2047 | 300127723 | UAB | Raditas |
2048 | 235028050 | UAB | Manorobotas lt |
2049 | HRB 98898 B | Chal-Tec GmbH | |
2050 | 305705921 | MB | Pilnis |
2051 | 305758105 | MB | Milinesa |
2052 | 304764952 | MB | Autoponas |
2053 | 306541108 | MB | Greksportas |
2054 | 305615000 | MB | Men-do studio |
2055 | 303859963 | UAB | Mopedas |
2056 | 305646572 | MB | DAS Projektai |
2057 | 300032531 | UAB | Visagino linija |
2058 | 304042373 | UAB | TM SERVICE |
2059 | 306649137 | MB | Įrankių miestas |
2060 | 304695844 | UAB | Garso namai |
2061 | 125261991 | UAB | Lietpak |
2062 | 302995889 | MB | Autodalvita |
2063 | 306963045 | MB | Ilgas verslas |
2064 | 306680563 | MB | ARTOMA |
2065 | 11073019 | Galador Grupp OÜ | |
2066 | Ind. v. | Paulius Makačinas | |
2067 | 304559755 | UAB | Rivosana |
2068 | 305968573 | UAB | PE Solutions |
2069 | 303127707 | UAB | Suvira |
2070 | 304944929 | UAB | EKUS |
2071 | 306649030 | MB | Autoraidas |
2072 | 306662729 | MB | Beltaisa |
2073 | 0000907615 | MGD Sp. z o.o. | |
2074 | 304447293 | UAB | Bosera |
2075 | 306950592 | MB | Pink head |
2076 | 304130243 | UAB | elcor Baltic |
2077 | 301741681 | UAB | VM2G |
2078 | Ind. v. | Arvydas Kalisinskas | |
2079 | 305677589 | UAB | MP Trade |
2080 | 2763935 | HONG KONG UGREEN LIMITED | |
2081 | 304461033 | UAB | Protecus |
2082 | 305465935 | UAB | POP Diva |
2083 | 306676807 | MB | Bariūnų dalys |
2084 | 306706061 | MB | Rimauta |
2085 | 305428577 | MB | Daiauto |
2086 | 201500152 | VusionGroup S.A. | |
2087 | 306162631 | MB | ERAUTOS |
2088 | 306987936 | MB | Ryha |
2089 | 306950304 | MB | Autonero |
2090 | 305662911 | MB | Z&R Solutions |
2091 | 145576350 | UAB | Kotesa |
2092 | 305833262 | UAB | EUROCARS |
2093 | 306782073 | MB | Sasauto |
2094 | 301732860 | UAB | PC HELP |
2095 | 305260713 | MB | Autobarakuda |
2096 | 306657536 | MB | Orecar |
2097 | Ind. v. | Juozas Liutvinas | |
2098 | 306718099 | MB | Danauto |
2099 | 305600692 | UAB | Rinkis geriausia |
2100 | 303317197 | UAB | Fox Vision |
2101 | 305702067 | UAB | Kemperių įranga |
2102 | 306147106 | UAB | PADANGOS PARADISE |
2103 | CHE-116.347.444 | TE Connectivity Solutions GmbH (TESOG) | |
2104 | 303973867 | UAB | Ratoma |
2105 | 46569014 | IRISIMO s. r. o. | |
2106 | 303212901 | UAB | Aivadena |
2107 | 263248370 | UAB | Serenika |
2108 | 305778136 | MB | GELAUTA |
2109 | 306838287 | MB | Auto nerkus |
2110 | 302670290 | UAB | Greater Outdoors |
2111 | 306666229 | MB | RM CARS |
2112 | 135121614 | UAB | Rotoma |
2113 | 306126628 | UAB | Baltstolar |
2114 | 306688617 | MB | AJ Trade |
2115 | 306324962 | MB | Parduotuvė internete |
2116 | 300034436 | UAB | Envija ES |
2117 | 123404953 | UAB | Dolovija |
2118 | 306172515 | UAB | Workstock |
2119 | 247744890 | UAB | Elektrokomplektas |
2120 | 166725580 | UAB | Kavita |
2121 | 305866091 | UAB | Radus |
2122 | 300000875 | UAB | Mirinta |
2123 | 305654925 | MB | Manjusta |
2124 | 305243183 | UAB | Metso Global Business Services |
2125 | 306175529 | UAB | DAS LEDAUTO |
2126 | 306233726 | UAB | Elektromodus |
2127 | 301561587 | UAB | AS Baltic |
2128 | 306692658 | MB | Auto Everūna |
2129 | 306380612 | MB | Vyjora |
2130 | Ind. v. | Mantas Laurinavičius | |
2131 | 111711535 | UAB | Gilbarco Veeder-Root |
2132 | 306995317 | UAB | STNK |
2133 | 303042623 | UAB | Go Energy LT |
2134 | 168541846 | UAB | Serpantinas |
2135 | 303111610 | UAB | Metalo Jungtys |
2136 | 302544270 | UAB | Doris Group |
2137 | 304218024 | UAB | Matuok |
2138 | 306143905 | UAB | Autonomeco |
2139 | 302905087 | UAB | Gitoma |
2140 | 301171142 | UAB | Wistra Cargo Control |
2141 | 305876107 | UAB | Zetatrans |
2142 | 305715196 | MB | Oskarexporton |
2143 | 306818676 | UAB | Hanzo prekyba |
2144 | 305832139 | UAB | PRS Sportas |
2145 | 303290921 | UAB | Evilsa |
2146 | 304469400 | UAB | Ternitas |
2147 | 306700165 | UAB | Monikitas |
2148 | 304057585 | MB | Druskininkų servisas |
2149 | 305517937 | MB | Beno Auto |
2150 | Ind. v. | Deividas Balnys | |
2151 | 306160420 | UAB | LT USA IMPORT |
2152 | 305707769 | MB | ALL BIDS |
2153 | 125762290 | UAB | PB Ekspresas |
2154 | 305733753 | MB | PM Resources |
2155 | 304446191 | MB | Kalcita |
2156 | 303270064 | UAB | Maža kaina |
2157 | 306223333 | MB | EKM |
2158 | Gen.-Reg.-Nr.692 | ZEG Zweirad-Einkaufs-Genossenschaft eG | |
2159 | 302627983 | UAB | Verslo |
2160 | HRB 8845 | Lampenwelt GmbH | |
2161 | 306177583 | MB | Hibrida |
2162 | 305691133 | MB | Cargo service |
2163 | 149728275 | UAB | LANKAVA |